FW 75
(Faith and Works 75)
Jacob was ensnared. He defrauded his brother of his birthright. As he wrestled with Christ, his sins came up before him. And the angel wrestled with him and said, “Let Me go,” and Jacob said, “I will not let Thee go, except Thou bless me” (Genesis 32:26). (FW 75.1) MC VC
Will you do that? Will you wrestle with God at this meeting until you know that He reveals Himself to you? There are sins that afflict your souls; your sins grieve you. Will you say, “Now, Lord, I must have pardon written opposite my name,” and wrestle and plead with God, laying hold upon the righteousness of Christ. “He must save; I believe in Him; I take Him at His word.” Now, brethren, what shall we do? (FW 75.2) MC VC
Jacob obtained the victory, and his name was changed that day. It was when he prevailed with God. I am so thankful that God has made a way that we may have full and free salvation. We need not look at the shadows that Satan casts on our path. He would eclipse heaven and Jesus and the light and power of heaven to us, and we keep talking of the power of Satan. But we need not talk of that. Isaiah presents it this way: “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Does not that say that I and My Father are one? (FW 75.3) MC VC
God help us, brethren, to wake up and stir ourselves now to do as much as the paralytic did; to do as much as the impotent man did and as much as the one with the palsied arm did. They did just as they were told. God help us to believe on the Son of God and that He can save us to the utmost, and we shall have everlasting life. (FW 75.4) MC VC