TDG 39.3, 265.8, 276.3, 284.4, 322.6
(This Day With God 39.3, 265.8, 276.3, 284.4, 322.6)
You have been the Lord’s chosen instrument, through whom He has worked, and will work for the saving of the souls of your children. You are to bear the testimony that John bore, repeating the words of Christ to love one another as Christ has loved them. The Holy Spirit will testify of their union with Christ, and believers and unbelievers will take knowledge of you that you have been with Christ and have learned of Him. As you follow on to know the Lord, you will reflect the character of Christ. (TDG 39.3) MC VC
To as many as believe in Him, Christ gives power to become the sons of God. Those who are thus denominated as members of the royal family will live for Him who is the propitiation for their sins. As they follow on to know the truth, their feet are planted on the sure foundation. Neither flood nor storm can sweep away their foundation.—Letter 289, September 13, 1905, to “My Brethren in the Ministry.” (TDG 265.8) MC VC
The former and the latter rains are needed. “We are labourers together with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9). The Lord alone can give the precious former and latter rain. The clouds, the sunshine, the dews at night—these are heaven’s most precious provisions. But all these favors graciously bestowed of Heaven will prove of little worth to those who do not appropriate them by diligent, painstaking effort on their part. Personal efforts must be put forth in agriculture. There is the plowing and replowing. Implements must be brought in and human skill must use them. The seed must be sown in its season. The laws which control seedtime and harvest must be observed, else there will be no harvest.... (TDG 276.3) MC VC
When men connected with the work of God allow themselves to be bought and sold, when they violate truth to gain the favor and approval of men, God records them in His book as betrayers of sacred trust. Let every man stand in moral independence, resolved that his mind shall be molded by the Holy Spirit. God calls for minutemen, who are not ready to voice the words of men who, if converted could exert a good influence, but unconverted, are not to be depended upon. In an emergency they are sure to lead into false paths. The Lord would not have us imitate any man, but follow on step by step to know Him.... (TDG 284.4) MC VC
Follow on day by day to know the Lord, rejoicing that it is your privilege to say at His coming, as you stand with His faithful, waiting children, “This is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: ...we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation” (Isaiah 25:9).—Letter 92, November 9, 1911, to a husband and wife. (TDG 322.6) MC VC