UL 64.7, 170.5, 178, 204.2, 233.5, 245.3, 254.3, 297, 304.6, 320.6, 352.3, 370.6
(The Upward Look 64.7, 170.5, 178, 204.2, 233.5, 245.3, 254.3, 297, 304.6, 320.6, 352.3, 370.6)
I say to all, Let not one unholy thought or feeling be cherished. The power of the grace of Christ is wonderful. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord lifts up for the trusting believer a standard against the enemy. Pray, brethren and sisters, pray for your individual selves. The love and grace of Christ far surpass our finite conceptions. Plead as for your lives to be cleansed from everything that defileth. Put on Christ in deportment, and show an unselfish interest and kindness for the souls of all. We must catch the theme of redeeming love, and press on to know the Lord, that in simplicity we may reveal His character.—Letter 72, February 19, 1906, to “Brother and Sister Farnsworth.” (UL 64.7) MC VC
Let those who are not permitted to rest in quietude, who must be constantly on the move, pitching their tent tonight in one place and tomorrow night in another place, remember that the Lord is leading them, and that this is His way of helping them to form perfect characters. In all the changes we are required to make, God is to be recognized as our Companion, our Guide, our Stronghold, and our Dependence. We are to ever be moving, advancing in knowledge, and thus it will be [that] they follow on to know the Lord. The light of His leading He will prepare as the morning. (UL 170.5) MC VC
A Home of Everlasting Sunshine, June 13 VC
“But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.” Hebrews 11:16. (UL 178.1) MC VC
I fear that aggressive warfare against the world, the flesh, and the devil has not been maintained. If we are going to exert a Christlike example, we cannot cheer on by a half-dead Christianity the selfish, covetous spirit of the world, sharing its ungodliness and smiling upon its falsehood. Nay! By the grace of God we are to be steadfast to the principles of the truth, holding firm unto the end the beginning of our confidence. We are to be “not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” Romans 12:11. One is our Master, even Christ. To Him we must look. From Him we must receive our wisdom. By His grace we are to preserve our integrity, accepting the Word of God as our standard, and standing before the Lord in meekness and contrition. (UL 178.2) MC VC
I long so much to see the deep moving of the Spirit of God. Will it ever come into our ranks as it has come in the past? “Thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones” (Isaiah 57:15). (UL 178.3) MC VC
The word of the Lord never represses man’s activity. It gives an increase of usefulness by guiding activity in the right direction. The Lord does not leave man without an object of pursuit. He places before him eternity, with all its solemn realities, and gives him a grasp on immortal, imperishable themes. He presents valuable, ennobling truth, that he may advance in a safe and sure path, in pursuit of an object worthy of the earnest engagement of all his capabilities. (UL 178.4) MC VC
Man will increase in power as he follows on to know the Lord. As he endeavors to reach the highest standard, the Bible is as a light to guide his footsteps heavenward. In that Word he finds that he may be a child of God, a member of the royal family, joint heir with Christ to an immortal inheritance. (UL 178.5) MC VC
The Guidebook points him to the heavenly country, and the unsearchable riches and treasures of heaven. By following on to know the Lord, he is securing eternal happiness. Day by day the peace of God is his reward, and by faith he sees a home of everlasting sunshine, free from all sorrow and disappointment. God directs his footsteps and keeps him from falling, sanctifying and elevating his energies.—Letter 45, June 13, 1901, to “Brother and Sister [J. A.] Burden. (UL 178.6) MC VC
He who beholds Jesus, realizing what He is to us and what we are to Him, will be diligent. He will live on the plan of addition, adding to his faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness charity. This is a process of growth. He who cooperates with Christ will not be found tomorrow where he is today. Every day he will follow on to know the Lord, that he may know that His going forth is prepared as the morning. Of those who live in this way it will be written at last, “Ye are complete in him.” Colossians 2:10. (UL 204.2) MC VC
There is only one true religion, only one way to heaven; only one light to illuminate the way as the pilgrims press on. As we follow on to know the Lord, we shall acknowledge at every step that Christ is the Light of the world, that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; and we shall find that the path that He bids us follow is “as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18).... (UL 233.5) MC VC
Many of us need a clearer understanding of what it means to be an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We need to learn, as we follow on to know the Lord, that His going forth is prepared as the morning. You have watched the rising sun and the gradual breaking of day over the earth. Little by little the light increases till the sun appears. Then, growing constantly stronger, the light increases until we have the full glory of the day. This preparation of the morning is a beautiful illustration of what God desires to do for us in the perfecting of our Christian experience. We cannot afford to do a haphazard work in this world. We are seeking for a life that measures with the life of God.... (UL 245.3) MC VC
Let us ever bear in mind that our work is to be one of advancement. We are to follow on to know the Lord. God understands the actuating principles of every mind. He has witnessed the persistent, rebellious course of some whom He has warned and counseled repeatedly. His all-seeing eye has noted the determined following of human devisings. The way of man is before the Lord. He knoweth the thoughts. “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good” (Proverbs 15:3). He looketh to the ends of the earth, and He seeth under the whole heavens. The Lord searcheth the hearts. (UL 254.3) MC VC
Prepared as the Morning, October 10 VC
“Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.” Hosea 6:3. (UL 297.1) MC VC
Let everyone now repent of his mistakes, and seek the Lord with all his heart. The converting power of God will come to everyone who will seek the peace of Jesus Christ. His words of instruction are for all who will listen and follow Him. (UL 297.2) MC VC
In mercy God seeks to lead the unrighteous to repentance. The obedient will delight in the law of the Lord. He puts His laws in their minds, and writes them in their hearts. Their speech will be such as is prompted by an indwelling Saviour. They have that faith that works by love and purifies the soul from all the defilement of Satan’s suggestions. Their heart yearns after God. In their conversion they love to dwell upon His mercy and goodness, for to them He is altogether lovely. They learn the language of heaven, the country of their adoption. (UL 297.3) MC VC
The promise is for us: “I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and will give them an heart of flesh: that they may walk in my statutes, and keep mine ordinances, and do them: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God” (Ezekiel 11:19, 20). (UL 297.4) MC VC
I am instructed to say that it is not because of lack of opportunity to know the will and way of God that sinners must perish, but because of their determination to carry out their own will. They refuse to become spiritually enlightened in the Word of God. Willingly they remain ignorant of the privileges of the Christian and of his duty day by day to inquire of God. The Lord desires to give to everyone a deep, intelligent experience in spiritual life. But many are contented with a haphazard experience.... (UL 297.5) MC VC
The Lord calls for faithfulness in service. He desires servants who will be diligent to help those in error. The day of the Lord is right upon us.... Let not one stumbling block be laid before those who are seeking to know the will of the Lord. Do not make public the supposed errors you see in those who profess to believe the truth. What you have to say, say to them alone, with hearts filled with pity and tenderness.... (UL 297.6) MC VC
The will of God is made so plain that the weakest intellect can understand it, if the heart is set to do the will of God. Those who follow on to know the Lord will know that His going forth is prepared as the morning (see Hosea 6:3). Step by step the Lord will unerringly lead those who put their trust in Him.—Letter 281, October 10, 1905, to Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Kress. (UL 297.7) MC VC
There is to be a constant advancement on our part. The revelation of the Father to the human agent will be such a revelation that the mind can take hold of and comprehend. All who follow on steadfastly to know the truth as it is in Jesus will know that there is still more to be learned. Expansion, development, an increase of faith and holiness, will give us an experience in the religious life, and this is the law of the Christian life.—Manuscript 143, October 17, 1898, “The Parable of the Wedding Feast.” (UL 304.6) MC VC
Then trust in the Lord Jesus to lead you step by step into the right path. You can derive assurance and strength at every step you advance, for you can be assured that your hand is in His hand. You can “run and not be weary”; you can “walk and not faint,” for you can realize by faith that you have your hand in the hand of Christ. You will not sink under discouragement, for as you follow on to know the Lord, trusting in Him, you will have the assurance that the One who never forsakes those who fully trust Him is your constant Helper.—Letter 313, November 2, 1905, to Mabel White, her 19-year-old granddaughter. (UL 320.6) MC VC
If ever there was a period of time when we needed the Holy Spirit’s power in our discourses, in our prayers, in every action proposed, it is now. We are not to stop at the first experience, but while we bear the same message to the people, this message is to be strengthened and enlarged. We are to see and realize the importance of the message made certain by its divine origin. We are to follow on to know the Lord, that we may know that His going forth is prepared as the morning. Our souls need the quickening from the Source of all power. We may be strengthened and confirmed in the past experience that holds us to the essential points of truth which have made us what we are—Seventh-day Adventists. (UL 352.3) MC VC
The attractions of Christ are all-satisfying, and through Christ Jesus we read our title to an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away. His grace is seen to be all-sufficient. The sympathy and love of Jesus are beseeching, wooing, drawing us to follow on in His footsteps, to know the Lord until we shall know His going forth is prepared as the morning.—Letter 128, December 22, 1895, to Edson and Emma White. (UL 370.6) MC VC