TDG 35.5, 63, 226.4
(This Day With God 35.5, 63, 226.4)
There are some who do not readily respond to the invitation to forsake their own way, and come into harmony with God’s way. They prefer to follow a way of their own choosing. Those who wish to do so, have the privilege of continuing to walk in their own unconsecrated way, but the end of that way is sorrow and destruction. (TDG 35.5) MC VC
How to Get Rid of Guilt, February 24 VC
Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:7. (TDG 63.1) MC VC
My dear sister, I have evidence that God loves you, and that precious Saviour who gave Himself for you that you might be saved will not thrust you from Him because you are tempted, and in your weakness may have been overcome.... (TDG 63.2) MC VC
Now do not worry yourself out of the arms of the dear Jesus, but lie trustingly in faith. He loves you, He cares for you, He is blessing you, and He will give you His peace and grace. He is saying to you, “Thy sins be forgiven thee” (Luke 5:23).... I tell you Jesus loves us although we err and are betrayed into sin. He will forgive us, He will pardon and that abundantly. Gather to your soul the sweet promises of God.... (TDG 63.3) MC VC
Look away from your wretchedness to the perfection of Christ. We cannot manufacture a righteousness for ourselves. Christ has in His hands the pure robes of righteousness and He will put it upon us. He will speak sweet words of forgiveness and promises. And He presents to the thirsty soul fountains of living waters, whereby we may be refreshed. He bids us to come unto Him with all our burdens, all our griefs, and He says we shall find rest. We must therefore believe that He speaks pardon, and we must show our faith by resting in His love.... (TDG 63.4) MC VC
This feeling of guiltiness must be laid at the foot of the cross of Calvary. The sense of sinfulness has poisoned the springs of life and true happiness. Now Jesus says, “Lay it all on Me; I will take your sin, I will give you peace. Destroy no longer your self-respect, for I have bought you with the price of My own blood. You are Mine, your weakened will I will strengthen; your remorse for sin, I will remove.” Then turn your grateful heart, trembling with uncertainty, and lay hold upon the hope set before you. God accepts your broken contrite heart. He offers you free pardon. He offers to adopt you into His family with His grace to help your weakness, and the dear Jesus will lead you on step by step, if you will only put your hand in His and let Him guide you. (TDG 63.5) MC VC
Search for the precious promises of God. If Satan thrusts threatenings before your mind, turn from them and cling to the promises.—Letter 38, February 24, 1887, to “My dear Sister.” (TDG 63.6) MC VC
Their characters are defective, but because they have not trusted in their own merits and excused their sins, because they have asked for forgiveness through the merits of Christ, the Lord receives them, and rebukes Satan. Because they have humbled themselves, confessing their sins, He refuses to listen to the enemy’s accusations. He has abundantly pardoned the penitent ones, and will carry forward in them His work of redeeming love if they will continue to believe in Him and to trust Him. (TDG 226.4) MC VC