UL 115.4, 142.1, 212.5
(The Upward Look 115.4, 142.1, 212.5)
This is an age of skepticism and unbelief, an age of hatred of reproof. Let men beware how they entertain the sentiments of satanic agencies. Let them remember that mocking at the warnings of the Lord may mean their being left to their own way. The only hope left is to turn to God with full purpose of heart. God will pardon the transgressor if he will repent.... (UL 115.4) MC VC
“Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.” Isaiah 55:7. (UL 142.1) MC VC
Now do not worry yourself out of the arms of the dear Saviour, but rest trustingly in faith. He loves you; He cares for you; He is blessing you, and will give you His peace and grace. He is saying to you, “Thy sins be forgiven thee.” You may be depressed with bodily infirmities, but that is no evidence that the Lord is not working in your behalf every day. He will pardon you, and that abundantly. Gather to your soul the sweet promises of God. Jesus is our constant, unfailing Friend, and He wants you to trust in Him.... (UL 212.5) MC VC