RC 124.8, 340.3
(Reflecting Christ 124.8, 340.3)
It is the spirituality of the children of God that is their glory in His eyes. This is the distinguishing mark that separates them from the world.... We are to hunger and thirst after righteousness, that we may represent Christ to the world. If His love abides in our hearts, it will be distinctly revealed. We shall be lights in the world. Christ calls upon every follower of His to reveal His virtues of character, to represent Him in word and deed, to make known His love.—Manuscript 84, 1905. (RC 124.8) MC VC
The only-begotten Son of the infinite God has, by His words, His practical example, left us a plain pattern which we are to copy. By His words He has educated us to obey God, and by His own practice He has showed us how we can obey God. This is the very work He wants every man to do, to obey God intelligently, by precept and example teach others what they must do in order to be obedient children of God. (RC 340.3) MC VC