TMK 214.3, 360.3
(That I May Know Him 214.3, 360.3)
When one places his feet on the solid rock Christ Jesus as his foundation, he receives an endowment of power from the Source of all knowledge, all wisdom, and spiritual efficiency, that all may know to which party he belongs—commandment keepers or commandment breakers. The banner of Prince Emmanuel that floats over his head will not fail to clear away all uncertainty and give all to understand that we “keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” The love of Jesus Christ possesses a constraining power. (TMK 214.3) MC VC
So will it be with the remnant people of God who are scattered—some in the mountain fastnesses, some exiled, some pursued, some persecuted. When the voice of God is heard and the brightness of the glory is revealed, when the trial is over, the dross removed, they know they are in the presence of One who has redeemed them by His own blood. Just what Christ was to John in his exile He will be to His people who are made to feel the hand of oppression for the faith and testimony of Jesus Christ.... These were driven by the storm and tempest of persecution to the crevices of the rocks, but were hiding in the Rock of Ages; and in the fastnesses of the mountains, in the caves and dens of the earth, the Saviour reveals His presence and His glory. Yet a little while, and He that is to come will come and will not tarry. His eyes as a flame of fire penetrate into the fast-closed dungeons and hunt out the hidden ones, for their names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. These eyes of the Saviour are above us, around us, noting every difficulty, discerning every danger; and there is no place where His eyes cannot penetrate, no sorrows and sufferings of His people where the sympathy of Christ does not reach.... (TMK 360.3) MC VC