OHC 187.5, 305.5, 338.6
(Our High Calling 187.5, 305.5, 338.6)
Life, with its marvelous privileges and opportunities, will soon be ended. The time for improvement in character will be past. Unless our sins are now repented of, and blotted out by the blood of the Lamb, they will stand in the ledger of heaven to confront us in the coming day.... (OHC 187.5) MC VC
As we are daily brought in contact with those who have not a knowledge of Christ and the truth, shall we talk only of our farms, our merchandise, our gains and losses; or shall we speak of those things which concern our future life? Shall we seek to win souls to Jesus? Oh, what shameful neglect of duty stands registered against the professed followers of Christ! Let us earnestly examine ourselves by the light of God′s Word, seeking to discover every defect of character, that we may wash our robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb. (OHC 305.5) MC VC
It will cost us something to obtain a Christian experience, and to develop a true and noble character.... But the white-robed throng of the redeemed ones, are those who have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (OHC 338.6) MC VC