SD 66, 362, 371
(Sons and Daughters of God 66, 362, 371)
It Shall Be Our Righteousness, February 29 VC
And it shall be our righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as he hath commanded us. Deuteronomy 6:25. (SD 66.1) MC VC
The happiness of man is found in obedience to the laws of God. In obedience to God’s law he is surrounded as with a hedge and kept from the evil.87 (SD 66.2) MC VC
The tempter’s voice will be heard on every side, telling you that you are not now required to keep the law of God. This is a device of Satan. God has a law, and men must keep it. If they disregard these rules, they will not have that perfection of character ... required to become members of the royal family ... for God wrote these ten holy rules on tables of stone and kept them in the ark of God’s testimony. The cover of this ark ... was called the mercy-seat, to signify that although death was the penalty for transgressing the law, mercy came through Jesus Christ to pardon the repentant, believing sinner. (SD 66.3) MC VC
The only hope of any man lies through Jesus Christ, who brought the robe of His righteousness to put upon the sinner who would lay off his filthy garments.... The pure and holy garments are not prepared to be put on by any one after he has entered the gate of the city. All who enter will have on the robe of Christ’s righteousness.... There will be no covering up of sins and faults to hide the deformity of character; no robes will be half washed; but all will be pure and spotless.88 (SD 66.4) MC VC
When we bring our lives to complete obedience to the law of God, regarding God as our supreme Guide, and clinging to Christ as our hope of righteousness, God will work in our behalf. This is a righteousness of faith.... The commandments of God diligently studied and practiced, open to us communication with heaven, and distinguish for us the true from the false. This obedience works out for us the divine will, bringing into our lives the righteousness and perfection that was seen in the life of Christ.89 (SD 66.5) MC VC
We Receive the Crown of Life, December 21 VC
Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. James 1:12. (SD 362.1) MC VC
When the Lord makes up His jewels, the true, the frank, the honest, will be looked upon with pleasure. Angels are employed in making crowns for such ones, and upon these star-gemmed crowns will be reflected, with splendor, the light which radiates from the throne of God.40 (SD 362.2) MC VC
Talk of heavenly things. Talk of Jesus, His loveliness and glory, and of His undying love for you, and let your heart flow out in love and gratitude to Him, who died to save you. O, get ready to meet your Lord in peace. Those who are ready will soon receive an unfading crown of life, and will dwell forever in the kingdom of God, with Christ, with angels, and with those who have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ.41 (SD 362.3) MC VC
It is the waiting ones who are to be crowned with glory, honor, and immortality. You need not talk ... of the honors of the world, or the praise of its great ones. They are all vanity. Let but the finger of God touch them, and they would soon go back to dust again. I want honor that is lasting, honor that is immortal, honor that will never perish; a crown that is richer than any crown that ever decked the brow of a monarch.42 (SD 362.4) MC VC
In that day the redeemed will shine forth in the glory of the Father and His Son. The angels of heaven, touching their golden harps, will welcome the King, and those who are the trophies of His victory,—those who have been washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. A song of triumph will peal forth, filling all heaven. Christ has conquered. He enters the heavenly courts accompanied by His redeemed ones, the witnesses that His mission of suffering and self-sacrifice has not been in vain.43 (SD 362.5) MC VC
We Sit With Christ on His Throne, December 30 VC
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Revelation 3:21. (SD 371.1) MC VC
In these words an individual work is laid out for each one of us. We are to make determined efforts to overcome as Christ overcame. From this warfare no one is excused. If for us the gates of the holy city swing ajar, if we behold the King in His beauty, we must now overcome as Christ overcame.... He laid aside His robes of royalty, ... His riches, and for our sake became poor, that we might come into possession of an immortal inheritance. In our behalf, He met and conquered the prince of darkness.... (SD 371.2) MC VC
The lesson of self-control should begin with the infant in its mother’s arms. The child should be taught that its will must be brought into subjection.... Who are these children committed to our care?—They are the younger members of the Lord’s family. He says, Take these children and train them ... so that they will be polished after the similitude of a palace, prepared to shine in the courts of My house. What an important work! ... Remember that in your work the Creator of the universe will give you help. In His strength, and through His name, you can lead your children to be overcomers. Teach them to look to God for strength. Tell them that He hears their prayers. Teach them to overcome evil with good. Teach them to exert an influence that is elevating and ennobling. Lead them to unite with God, and then they will have strength to resist the strongest temptation. They will then receive the reward of the overcomer.61 (SD 371.3) MC VC
You lose much by not studying with greater earnestness and care the life of Christ. There you ... may see the victories which you have to gain ... that you may win the precious white robe of a spotless character, and stand at last without fault before the throne of God.62 (SD 371.4) MC VC