3SM 74, 114.3, 407.6, 408.4, 414, 423.1
(Selected Messages Book 3 74, 114.3, 407.6, 408.4, 414, 423.1)
Unmoved by Opposition—The greatest tirade may be made against me, but it will not change in the least my mission or my work. We have had this to meet again and again. The Lord gave me the message when I was only 17 years old.... The message the Lord has given me to bear has been in a straight line from light to light, upward and onward from truth to advanced truth.—Manuscript 29, 1897. (3SM 74.1) MC VC
No Claim to the Title “Prophetess.”—During the discourse [at Battle Creek, October 2, 1904], I said that I did not claim to be a prophetess. Some were surprised at this statement, and as much is being said in regard to it, I will make an explanation. Others have called me a prophetess, but I have never assumed that title. I have not felt that it was my duty thus to designate myself. Those who boldly assume that they are prophets in this our day are often a reproach to the cause of Christ. (3SM 74.2) MC VC
My work includes much more than this name signifies. I regard myself as a messenger, entrusted by the Lord with messages for his people.—Letter 55, 1905 (In Selected Messages 1:35, 36.). (3SM 74.3) MC VC
The Work of a Prophet and More—I am now instructed that I am not to be hindered in my work by those who engage in suppositions regarding its nature, whose minds are struggling with so many intricate problems connected with the supposed work of a prophet. My commission embraces the work of a prophet, but it does not end there. It embraces much more than the minds of those who have been sowing the seeds of unbelief can comprehend.—Letter 244, 1906(Addressed to elders of the Battle Creek church; SeeSelected Messages 1:34-36.). (3SM 74.4) MC VC
No Self-vindication—My heart feels very sad that Brethren J and K have taken the position which they have.... You may inquire, “What effect does this have upon you?” Sorrow only, sorrow of soul, but peace and perfect rest and trust in Jesus. To vindicate myself, my position, or my mission, I would not utter ten words. I would not seek to give evidence of my work. “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matthew 7:20).—Letter 14, 1897. (3SM 74.5) MC VC
As the condition of the church and the world was opened before me, and I beheld the fearful scenes that lie just before us, I was alarmed at the outlook; and night after night, while all in the house were sleeping, I wrote out the things given me of God. I was shown the heresies which are to arise, the delusions that will prevail, the miracle-working power of Satan—the false Christs that will appear—that will deceive the greater part even of the religious world, and that would, if it were possible, draw away even the elect. (3SM 114.3) MC VC
The Word of God ... is to be our defense when Satan works with such lying wonders that, if it were possible, he would deceive the very elect. It is then that those who have not stood firmly for the truth will unite with the unbelieving, who love and make a lie. When these wonders are performed, when the sick are healed and other marvels are wrought, they will be deceived. Are we prepared for the perilous times that are right upon us? Or are we standing where we will fall an easy prey to the wiles of the devil?—Manuscript 81, 1908. (3SM 407.6) MC VC
Fire From Heaven—Those who look for miracles as a sign of divine guidance are in grave danger of deception. It is stated in the Word that the enemy will work through his agents who have departed from the faith, and they will seemingly work miracles, even to the bringing down of fire out of heaven in the sight of men. By means of “lying wonders”(2 Thessalonians 2:9) Satan would deceive, if possible, the very elect.—Letter 410, 1907. (3SM 408.4) MC VC
The warning and instruction of this book are needed by all who profess to believe the present truth, and the book is adapted to go also to the world, calling their attention to the solemn scenes just before us.—Letter 1, 1890. (3SM 414.1) MC VC
The Trouble Ahead VC
Oppressors Will Be Permitted to Triumph for a Time—With pity and compassion, with tender yearning, the Lord is looking upon His tempted and tried people. For a time the oppressors will be permitted to triumph over those who know God’s holy commandments. All are given the same opportunity that was granted to the first great rebel to demonstrate the spirit that moves them to action. It is God’s purpose that everyone shall be tested and proved, to see whether he will be loyal or disloyal to the laws which govern the kingdom of heaven. To the last God permits Satan to reveal his character as a liar, an accuser, and a murderer. Thus the final triumph of his people is made more marked, more glorious, more full and complete.... (3SM 414.2) MC VC
The people of God should be wide awake, not trusting in their own wisdom, but wholly in the wisdom of their Leader. They should set aside days for fasting and prayer.... (3SM 414.3) MC VC
We Are Nearing the Crisis—We are nearing the most important crisis that has ever come upon the world. If we are not wide awake and watching, it will steal upon us as a thief. Satan is preparing to work through his human agencies in secrecy.... (3SM 414.4) 4 I MC VC
Through his deception and delusion, Satan would, if possible, deceive the very elect. His is no minor deception. He will seek to annoy, to harass, to falsify, to accuse, and misrepresent all whom he cannot compel to give him honor and help him in his work. His great success lies in keeping men’s minds confused, and ignorant of his devices, for then he can lead the unwary as it were, blindfolded.... (3SM 423.1) MC VC