UL 196.6, 263.6, 295.7
(The Upward Look 196.6, 263.6, 295.7)
Those who continue in transgression will be judged according to their refusal of light. They choose to stand on the side of the prince of darkness, to become the helping hand of him who, if it were possible, would deceive the very elect. They refuse the wonderful gift of heaven, and though they may profess righteousness, and talk of “adherence to principle,” they are at the same time following principles opposed to the noble principles of heaven, and they teach others to follow the same corrupting principles.—Manuscript 161, July 1, 1903, “The Peril of Rejecting Light.” (UL 196.6) MC VC
In this age, a time of satanic wonders, everything conceivable will be said and done to deceive if possible the very elect. Let believers say nothing to extol Satan’s power. The Lord will distinguish His commandment-keeping people with signal marks of His favor, if they will be molded and fashioned by His Spirit, and built up in the most holy faith, hearkening strictly to the voice of His Word.—Letter 195, September 6, 1903, to W. C. White. (UL 263.6) MC VC
From the light that God has given me, I know that men’s great danger is in being self-deceived. Satan is watching his chance. He will come to men in human form, and will speak to them most entrancing words. He will bring against them the same temptations that he brought against Christ. Unless their minds and hearts are filled with the pure, unselfish, sanctified love that Christ revealed, they will fall under Satan’s power, and will do and say and write strange things, to deceive, if it were possible, the very elect.... (UL 295.7) MC VC