7T 276
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 7 276)
This is the co-operation that Christ commends. The Great Teacher stands beside you, helping you to help the one who is backward. (7T 276.1) MC VC
In your school life you may have opportunity to tell the poor and ignorant of the wonderful truths of God’s word. Improve every such opportunity. The Lord will bless every moment spent in this way. (7T 276.2) MC VC
We are living in a time when Satan is working with all his power to discourage and defeat those who are laboring in God’s service. But we must not fail nor be discouraged. We must exercise greater faith in God. We must trust His living word. Unless we have a firmer hold from above, we shall never be able to cope with the powers of darkness that will be seen and felt in every department of the work. (7T 276.3) MC VC
Earth’s cisterns will often be empty, its pools become dry; but in Christ there is a living spring from which we may continually draw. However much we draw and give to others, an abundance will remain. There is no danger of exhausting the supply; for Christ is the inexhaustible wellspring of truth. (7T 276.4) MC VC
The ethics inculcated by the gospel acknowledge no standard but the perfection of God’s mind, God’s will. All righteous attributes of character dwell in God as a perfect, harmonious whole. Everyone who receives Christ as his personal Saviour is privileged to possess these attributes. This is the science of holiness. (7T 276.5) MC VC