Ev 114, 174, 564, 639
(Evangelism 114, 174, 564, 639)
A Working Force Augmented by Laymen—How can our brethren and sisters continue to live close to large numbers of people who have never been warned, without devising methods of setting to work every agency through whom the Lord can work to the glory of His name? Our leaders who have had long experience will understand the importance of these matters, and can do much to increase the working forces. They can plan to reach many in the highways and in the hedges. As they put forth calm, steady, devoted effort to educate the church members to engage in personal work for souls wherever there are favorable openings, success will mark their labors.—Manuscript 53, 1910. (Ev 114.1) MC VC
The Fields in Your Neighborhood Are Ripe—The truth will triumph gloriously. Let the churches begin to do the work that the Lord has given them—the work of opening the Scriptures to those who are in darkness. My brethren and sisters, there are souls in your neighborhood who, if they were judiciously labored for, would be converted. Efforts must be made for those who do not understand the Word. Let those who profess to believe the truth become partakers of the divine nature, and then they will see that the fields are ripe for the work that all can do whose souls are prepared by living the Word.—(Australasian) Union Conference Record, March 11, 1907. (Ev 114.2) MC VC
Distributing Literature From Door to Door—Brethren and sisters, will you put on the Christian armor? “Your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace,”(Ephesians 6:15) you will be prepared to walk from house to house, carrying the truth to the people. Sometimes you will find it trying to do this kind of work; but if you go forth in faith, the Lord will go before you, and will let His light shine upon your pathway. Entering the homes of your neighbors to sell or to give away our literature, and in humility to teach them the truth, you will be accompanied by the light of heaven, which will abide in these homes.—The Review and Herald, May 24, 1906. (Ev 114.3) MC VC
Present the Truth Tenderly—Let every minister learn to wear the gospel shoes. He who is “shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace”(Ephesians 6:15) will walk as Christ walked. He will be able to speak right words, and to speak them in love. He will not try to drive home God’s message of truth. He will deal tenderly with every heart, realizing that the Spirit will impress the truth on those who are susceptible to divine impressions. Never will he be vehement in his manner. Every word spoken will have a softening, subduing influence.... (Ev 174.1) MC VC
In speaking words of reproof, let us put all the Christlike tenderness and love possible into the voice. The higher a minister’s position, the more circumspect should he be in word and act.—Manuscript 127, 1902. (Ev 174.2) MC VC
Reclaim Rather Than Condemn—All whose hearts are in sympathy with the heart of Infinite Love will seek to reclaim, and not to condemn. Christ dwelling in the soul is a spring that never runs dry. Where He abides, there will be an overflowing of beneficence.—Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing, 39 (1896). (Ev 174.3) MC VC
The Evangelistic Sermon VC
Simple Speech; Clarity of Expression—The Lord wishes you to learn how to use the gospel net. Many need to learn this art. In order for you to be successful in your work, the meshes of your net—the application of the Scriptures—must be close, and the meaning easily discerned. Then make the most of drawing in the net. Come right to the point. Make your illustrations self-evident. However great a man’s knowledge, it is of no avail unless he is able to communicate it to others. Let the pathos of your voice, its deep feeling, make its impression on hearts. Urge your students to surrender themselves to God.... (Ev 174.4) MC VC
Laboring for the Middle Class VC
A Group More Easily Reached—Then there is another class more easily reached. Many of them are more worthy than the wealthiest, for those who are rich have not all obtained their riches by the strictest principles of integrity. There are those who would not sacrifice principle or strict honest to possess any amount of means. This is the class that if the truth were presented to them in wisdom would receive it, and be reliable workers together with God. The laborer through the wisdom given of God will work in such a way as to draw these parties together in Christ Jesus.—Manuscript 66, 1894. (Ev 564.1) MC VC
How Can We Reach Them?—And how can we reach the common people? Christ tried to work with the highest dignitaries of the nation. But they would not receive Him, because He told them the truth. They had exalted ideas of their own piety. They would not be instructed. They thought their work was to instruct others, not to be instructed themselves. But of the poor the Scriptures testify, “The common people heard Him gladly.” Mark 12:37. “Thou, O God, hast prepared of Thy goodness for the poor.” “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.”(Psalm 68:10)—Manuscript 125, 1897. (Ev 564.2) MC VC
Put On Gospel Shoes—My brother, I have an intense desire that you shall be a man after God’s heart. You must make a change in your life. You have most precious truth to present, but you must put on the gospel shoes—your feet must be “shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.” Ephesians 6:15. Your manner of addressing people is not always pleasing to God. You need to feel His converting power upon your soul every day. You are full of physical strength and energy, and you need much of the grace of Christ, that it may be said of you as it was of Him, “Thy gentleness hath made me great.” 2 Samuel 22:36. When the Holy Spirit takes possession of your mind and controls your strong feelings, you will be more Christlike.—Letter 164, 1902. (Ev 639.1) MC VC
Sacredness of God’s Work—To handle sacred things as we would common matters is an offense to God; for that which God has set apart to do His service in giving light to this world is holy. Those who have any connection with the work of God are not to walk in the vanity of their own wisdom, but in the wisdom of God, or they will be in danger of placing sacred and common things on the same level, and thus separate themselves from God.—The Review and Herald, September 8, 1896. (Ev 639.2) MC VC
Sense of Sacred Responsibility—Young men are arising to engage in the work of God, some of whom have scarcely any sense of the sacredness and responsibility of the work.... They talk nonsense, and sport with young girls, while almost daily listening to the most solemn, soul-stirring truths.—Testimonies For The Church 3:473 (1875). (Ev 639.3) MC VC