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Ephesians 5:4
Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. (Ephesians 5:4)
Giving of thanks.
 The spirit of gratitude and cheerfulness is the best antidote to the unbecoming spirit of levity (cf. James 5:13).
Not convenient.
That is, not fitting or becoming.
Gr. eutrapelia, from two roots meaning “well” and “to turn”; hence, “wittiness,” but here used in the low sense of buffoonery, ribaldry, or levity. The apostle is not speaking against the play of innocent humor, but against jesting that is coarse and low.
Foolish talking.
 Insipid, stupid talking, without edification or profit. Every idle word is to be brought into judgment (Matt. 12:36), and foolish speech involves more than mere emptiness.
Gr. aischrotēs, “revolting, shameful conduct,” probably including filthy, obscene speech. The word does not occur elsewhere in the NT.