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Philemon 1:7
For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother. (Philemon 1:7)
A simple touch of affection—but who can measure its value when sincerely said? Philemon has never failed Paul; in the case of Onesimus, Paul has no doubt that Philemon will continue to be worthy of his confidence.
Literally, “the abdominal viscera.” Anciently the abdominal organs were considered the seat of the emotions.
Joy and consolation.
In prison Paul had probably reflected with pleasure on the past hospitality of Philemon. Pleasant memories brought him “joy and consolation.”
 Textual evidence favors (cf. p. 10) the reading “had.” Paul here amplifies the reason for his thankfulness (v. 4). When the report came to Paul of Philemon’s faithfulness (v. 5), the toilsome hours the apostle had spent in preaching the gospel at Colossae, and to Philemon in particular (v. 19), were amply rewarded.