“even to cleanse.” The phrase
“to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” may be understood either as in apposition to, and hence explanatory of, the phrase
“to forgive us our sins,” or as setting forth a process distinct from, and following that of, forgiveness. Both ideas are valid when applied to practical Christian living. All sin defiles, and when the sinner is forgiven he is cleansed from those sins for which he has received forgiveness. When confessing his great sin David prayed,
“Create in me a clean heart, O God” (
Ps. 51:10). However, the Lord purposes to cleanse the repentant sinner from
all unrighteousness. He requires moral perfection of His children (see on
Matt. 5:48) and has made provision whereby every sin may be successfully resisted and overcome (see on
Rom. 8:1-4). As long as there is life there will be new victories to gain and new excellences to reach. This day-by-day cleansing from sin and growth in grace is termed sanctification (see on
Rom. 6:19). The initial step whereby the sinner turns from his sin and accepts Christ is called justification (see on
Rom. 5:1). It is possible to see these two processes in the words of John, but whether the apostles had such a close analysis of these steps in salvation in mind is open to question. It is more likely that he was thinking of the cleansing that accompanies forgiveness, though his words may be more widely applied.