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1 Kings 18:42
So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees, (1 Kings 18:42)
Ahab false prophet PK 442, 447;4T 173-4;   
Caffeine drink, Caffeine drinks See Coffee; Drink  
Cast down   [1]
Drink learn how to, to preserve health CH 24   
Drink, Drinks at mealtime. digestion retarded by CD 420;MH 305;    [28]
“Earth,” meaning of, in signs recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke EW 41   
Earth   [347]
Eat children should be taught. importance of when, how, and what they should ML 146    [4]
Elijah message John the Baptist preached 4BC 1184    [1]
Face, Faces Aaron’s, described PP 425    [187]
Herb drink EGW used 2SM 302   
Intoxicating drink, Intoxicating drinks MH 330-46;Te 11-292;    [494]
Knee, Knees bow down upon, in public and private worship 2SM 312    [10]
Powers of earth angels hold, in restraint 7BC 967    [15]
Reign of Christ on Earth, or The Voice of the Church in All Ages by Daniel T. Taylor, quoted GC 302-3   
Salt of the earth   [1]