2 Chronicles 17:2
And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
Afrikaans, Afrikaans 1933/1953
Hy het magtige manne in al die versterkte stede van Y’hudah gesit en goewerneurs aangestel in die land van Y’hudah en in die stede van Efrayim wat sy vader, Asa, ingeneem het. (II KRONIEKE 17:2)
Albanian, Albanian Bibla Shqip
Ai vendosi trupa në tërë qytetet e fortifikuara të Judës dhe garnizone në vendin e Judës dhe në qytetin e Efraimit, që ati i tij kishte pushtuar. (2 i Kronikave 17:2)
Bulgarian, Bulgarian Bible
защото тури [военни] сили във всичките укрепени градове на Юда, и постави гарнизони в Юдовата земя и в Ефремовите градове, които баща му Аса бе превзел. (2 Летописи 17:2)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
安 置 军 兵 在 犹 大 一 切 坚 固 城 里 , 又 安 置 防 兵 在 犹 大 地 和 他 父 亚 撒 所 得 以 法 莲 的 城 邑 中 。 (歷代志下 17:2)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
安 置 軍 兵 在 猶 大 一 切 堅 固 城 裡 , 又 安 置 防 兵 在 猶 大 地 和 他 父 亞 撒 所 得 以 法 蓮 的 城 邑 中 。 (歷代志下 17:2)
Chinese, 现代标点和合本
安置军兵在犹大一切坚固城里,又安置防兵在犹大地和他父亚撒所得以法莲的城邑中。 (歷代志下 17:2)
Chinese, 現代標點和合本
安置軍兵在猶大一切堅固城裡,又安置防兵在猶大地和他父亞撒所得以法蓮的城邑中。 (歷代志下 17:2)
Croatian, Croatian Bible
Razmjestio je vojsku po svim utvrđenim judejskim gradovima i postavio namjesnike po judejskoj zemlji i po Efrajimovim gradovima, koje bijaše zauzeo otac mu Asa. (2 Ljetopisa 17:2)
Czech, Czech BKR
I osadil lidem válečným všecka města hrazená v Judstvu, a postavil stráž v zemi Judské a v městech Efraim, kteráž byl zdobýval Aza otec jeho. (2 Letopisů 17:2)
Danish, Danish
ved at lægge Besætning i alle Judas befæstede Byer og indsætte Fogeder i Judas Land og de efraimitiske Byer, hans Fader Asa havde indtaget. (2 Krønikebog 17:2)
Dutch, Dutch Staten Vertaling
En hij legde krijgsvolk in alle vaste steden van Juda, en legde bezettingen in het land van Juda, en in de steden van Efraim, die zijn vader Asa ingenomen had. (2 Kronieken 17:2)
English, American King James Version
And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, American Standard Version
And he placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, Darby Bible
And he placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim that Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, English Revised Version
He placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, King James Version
And he placed forces in all the fenced cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, New American Standard Bible
He placed troops in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah and in the cities of Ephraim which Asa his father had captured. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, Webster’s Bible
And he placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, World English Bible
He placed forces in all the fortified cities of Judah, and set garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
English, Young's Literal Translation
and putteth a force in all the fenced cities of Judah, and putteth garrisons in the land of Judah, and in the cities of Ephraim that Asa his father had captured. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
Esperanto, Esperanto
Li starigis militistaron en cxiuj fortikigitaj urboj de Judujo, kaj starigis garnizonojn en la lando de Jehuda, kaj en la urboj de Efraim, kiujn venkoprenis lia patro Asa. (2 Kroniko 17:2)
Finnish, Finnish Bible 1776
Ja hän asetti sotaväen kaikkiin Juudan vahvoihin kaupunkeihin, ja pani esimiehiä Juudan maalle ja Ephraimin kaupunkeihin, jotka hänen isänsä Asa oli voittanut. (2. Aikakirja 17:2)
French, Darby
et mit des troupes dans toutes les villes fortes de Juda, et mit des garnisons dans le pays de Juda, et dans les villes d'Ephraim qu'Asa, son pere, avait prises. (2 Chroniques 17:2)
French, Louis Segond
il mit des troupes dans toutes les villes fortes de Juda, et des garnisons dans le pays de Juda et dans les villes d'Ephraïm dont Asa, son père, s'était emparé. (2 Chroniques 17:2)
French, Martin 1744
Car il mit des troupes dans toutes les villes fortes de Juda, et des garnisons dans le pays de Juda, et dans les villes d'Ephraïm qu'Asa son père avait prises. (2 Chroniques 17:2)
German, Luther 1912
Und er legte Kriegsvolk in alle festen Städte Juda's und setzte Amtleute im Lande Juda und in den Städten Ephraims, die sein Vater Asa gewonnen hatte. (2 Crônicas 17:2)
German, Modernized
Und er legte Kriegsvolk in alle festen Städte Judas und setzte Amtleute im Lande Juda und in den Städten Ephraims, die sein Vater Assa gewonnen hatte. (2 Crônicas 17:2)
Hebrew, Hebrew And Greek
וַיִּ֨תֶּן־חַ֔יִל בְּכָל־עָרֵ֥י יְהוּדָ֖ה הַבְּצֻרֹ֑ות וַיִּתֵּ֤ן נְצִיבִים֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ יְהוּדָ֔ה וּבְעָרֵ֣י אֶפְרַ֔יִם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לָכַ֖ד אָסָ֥א אָבִֽיו׃ (דברי הימים ב 17:2)
Hebrew, Westminster Leningrad Codex
וַיִּ֨תֶּן־חַ֔יִל בְּכָל־עָרֵ֥י יְהוּדָ֖ה הַבְּצֻרֹ֑ות וַיִּתֵּ֤ן נְצִיבִים֙ בְּאֶ֣רֶץ יְהוּדָ֔ה וּבְעָרֵ֣י אֶפְרַ֔יִם אֲשֶׁ֥ר לָכַ֖ד אָסָ֥א אָבִֽיו׃ (דברי הימים ב 17:2)
Hungarian, Karoli Bible 1908
És sereget helyezett Júda minden erõs városaiba, és õrségeket helyezett Júda országába és Efraim városaiba, a melyeket az õ atyja, Asa meghódított vala. (2 Krónika 17:2)
Indonesian, Terjemahan Lama
Ditaruh baginda akan beberapa orang perang di dalam segala negeri Yehuda yang berkota benteng dan ditaruh baginda pula beberapa orang laskar di tanah Yehuda dan di dalam segala negeri Efrayim, yang telah ditawan oleh ayahanda baginda. (2 Tawarikh 17:2)
Italian, Giovanni Diodati Bible 1649
E pose delle schiere di gente di guerra per tutte le città forti di Giuda, e mise guernigioni nel paese di Giuda, e nelle città di Efraim, le quali Asa, suo padre, avea prese. (2 Cronache 17:2)
Italian, Riveduta Bible 1927
collocò dei presidi in tutte le città fortificate di Giuda, e pose delle guarnigioni nel paese di Giuda e nelle città di Efraim, che Asa suo padre avea conquistate. (2 Cronache 17:2)
Japanese, Japanese 1955
ユダのすべての堅固な町々に軍隊を置き、またユダの地およびその父アサが取ったエフライムの町々に守備隊を置いた。 (歴代志下 17:2)
Korean, 개역개정
유다 모든 견고한 성읍에 군대를 주둔시키고 또 유다 땅과 그의 아버지 아사가 정복한 에브라임 성읍들에 영문을 두었더라  (역대하 17:2)
Korean, 개역한글
유다 모든 견고한 성읍에 군대를 주둔하고 또 유다 땅과 그 아비 아사의 취한바 에브라임 성읍들에 영문을 두었더라 (역대하 17:2)
Lithuanian, Lithuanian
Jis pasiuntė kariuomenės būrius į visus sutvirtintus Judo miestus ir paskyrė įgulas Judo krašte bei Efraimo miestuose, kuriuos buvo paėmęs jo tėvas Asa. (2 Metraščių 17:2)
Maori, Maori
A i whakanohoia e ia he hoia ki nga pa taiepa katoa o Hura; whakanohoia ana ano e ia he hoia tiaki ki te whenua o Hura, ki nga pa hoki o Eparaima i tangohia nei e tona papa, e Aha. (2 Chronicles 17:2)
Norwegian, Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930
og la krigsfolk i alle Judas faste byer og la også mannskap i Juda land og i de byer i Efra'im som hans far Asa hadde inntatt. (2 Krønikebok 17:2)
Polish, Polska Biblia [Polish Holy Bible]
I osadzil zolnierzem wszystkie miasta Judzkie obronne; osadzil tez i ziemie Judzka, takze miasta Efraimskie, które byl pobral Aza, ojciec jego. (2 Kronik 17:2)
Portuguese, Almeida Corrigida Fiel
E pôs soldados em todas as cidades fortificadas de Judá, e estabeleceu guarnições na terra de Judá, como também nas cidades de Efraim, que Asa seu pai tinha tomado. (2 Crônicas 17:2)
Portuguese, Bíblia King James Atualizada
Posicionou suas tropas em todas as cidades fortes de Judá e dispôs guarnições militares na terra de Judá, como também nas cidades de Efraim que seu pai Asa havia conquistado. (2 Crônicas 17:2)
Romanian, Romanian Version
a pus oşti în toate cetăţile întărite ale lui Iuda şi a rânduit căpetenii în ţara lui Iuda şi în cetăţile lui Efraim pe care le luase tatăl său, Asa. (2 Cronici 17:2)
Russian, koi8r
И поставил он войско во все укрепленные города Иудеи и расставил охранное войско по земле Иудейской и по городам Ефремовым, которыми овладел Аса, отец его. (2 Паралипоменон 17:2)
Russian, Synodal Translation
И поставил он войско во все укрепленные города Иудеи и расставил охранное войско по земле Иудейской и по городам Ефремовым, которыми овладел Аса, отец его. (2 Паралипоменон 17:2)
Spanish, Reina Valera 1989
Puso ejércitos en todas las ciudades fortificadas de Judá, y colocó gente de guarnición en tierra de Judá, y asimismo en las ciudades de Efraín que su padre Asa había tomado. (2 Crónicas 17:2)
Spanish, Spanish Reina Valera Gómez
Y puso ejército en todas las ciudades fortificadas de Judá, y colocó gente de guarnición en tierra de Judá, y asimismo en las ciudades de Efraín que su padre Asa había tomado. (2 Crónicas 17:2)
Spanish, Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
Y puso ejército en todas las ciudades fuertes de Judá, y colocó gente de guarnición, en tierra de Judá, y asimismo en las ciudades de Efraín que su padre Asa había tomado. (2 Crónicas 17:2)
Swedish, Swedish Bible
Han lade in krigsfolk i alla Juda fasta städer och lade in besättningar i Juda land och i de Efraims städer som hans fader Asa hade intagit. (Krönikeboken 17:2)
Tagalog, Ang Dating Biblia 1905
At siya'y naglagay ng mga kawal sa lahat ng bayang nakukutaan ng Juda, at naglagay ng mga pulutong sa lupain ng Juda, at sa mga bayan ng Ephraim, na sinakop ni Asa sa kaniyang ama. (II Mga Cronica 17:2)
Thai, Thai: from KJV
พระองค์ทรงวางกำลังพลไว้ในหัวเมืองที่มีป้อมทั้งปวงของยูดาห์ และทรงตั้งทหารประจำป้อมในแผ่นดินยูดาห์ และในหัวเมืองเอฟราอิม ซึ่งอาสาราชบิดาของพระองค์ได้ยึดไว้ (2 พงศาวดาร 17:2)
Turkish, Turkish
Yahudanın bütün surlu kentlerine askeri birlikler yerleştirdi; Yahudaya ve babası Asanın ele geçirmiş olduğu Efrayim kentlerine de asker yerleştirdi. (2.TARİHLER 17:2)
Vietnamese, Vietnamese Bible
đặt những cơ binh nơi các thành bền vững của Giu-đa, lập đồn trong xứ Giu-đa và trong các thành Ép-ra-im, mà A-sa, cha người, đã chiếm lấy. (2 Sử-ký 17:2)