Converted person, Converted persons better to have six thoroughly, than 60 not truly converted GW 370;4T 317;    [3]
Courteous person, Courteous persons charm in intercourse of truly ML 242    [2]
Covetous person, Covetous persons Christ gave many reproofs to CG 132    [13]
Covetous poor person, Covetous poor persons testimony rejected by 2SG 157   
Covetous rich person, Covetous rich persons testimony rejected by 2SG 157   
Created thing, Created things declare glory of God’s excellence DA 20    [7]
Crippled person, Crippled persons baby born as, Genesis contains no record of 3T 138    [7]
Cultured person, Cultured persons society of truly, habit that unfits man for Ed 235   
Curious person, Curious persons admonition to MM 92    [1]
Dead person, Dead persons belief that, become angels GC 551;PP 684-5;    [58]
Debased persons problems in miss. work for 8T 184    [2]
Debating manner sharp, ministers warned against Ev 303   
Deceptive thing, Deceptive things many, will appear to be true 8T 290   
Defenseless persons shield DA 107   
Degraded persons cannot help themselves 6T 279    [23]
Deluded person, Deluded persons salvation of, angels rejoice over 6T 304   
Depraved person, Depraved persons dead in sin, Christ’s compassion for 8T 31    [8]
Depressed person, Depressed persons Christian should not be CG 146    [5]
Despondent person, Despondent persons courage for, who has done wickedly COL 188-9    [7]
Destitute person, Destitute persons children may aid in helping CS 293    [7]