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Exodus 32:4
And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 32:4)
Afrikaans, Afrikaans 1933/1953
Hy het dit uit hulle hand gevat en dit met ’n beitel bewerk totdat hy daarvan ’n gegote kalf gemaak het. Hulle het gesê: “Dit is jou god, o Yisra’el, wat jou uit die land van Mitzrayim laat optrek het.” (EXODUS 32:4)
Albanian, Albanian Bibla Shqip
i cili i mori nga duart e tyre dhe, mbasi i modeloi me daltë, bëri një viç prej metali të shkrirë. Atëherë ata thanë: "O Izrael, ky është perëndia yt që të nxori nga vendi i Egjiptit!". (Eksodi 32:4)
Bulgarian, Bulgarian Bible
А той, като ги взе от ръцете им, даде на [златото] образ с резец, [след като] направи леяно теле; и те рекоха: Тия са боговете ти, о Израилю, които те изведоха из Египетската земя. (Изход 32:4)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
亚 伦 从 他 们 手 里 接 过 来 , 铸 了 一 只 牛 犊 , 用 雕 刻 的 器 具 做 成 。 他 们 就 说 : 以 色 列 阿 , 这 是 领 你 出 埃 及 地 的   神 。 (出埃及記 32:4)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
亞 倫 從 他 們 手 裡 接 過 來 , 鑄 了 一 隻 牛 犢 , 用 雕 刻 的 器 具 做 成 。 他 們 就 說 : 以 色 列 阿 , 這 是 領 你 出 埃 及 地 的   神 。 (出埃及記 32:4)
Chinese, 现代标点和合本
亚伦从他们手里接过来,铸了一只牛犊,用雕刻的器具做成。他们就说:“以色列啊,这是领你出埃及地的神!” (出埃及記 32:4)
Chinese, 現代標點和合本
亞倫從他們手裡接過來,鑄了一隻牛犢,用雕刻的器具做成。他們就說:「以色列啊,這是領你出埃及地的神!」 (出埃及記 32:4)
Croatian, Croatian Bible
Primivši zlato iz njihovih ruku, rastopi kovinu u kalupu i načini saliveno tele. A oni poviču: "Ovo je tvoj bog, Izraele, koji te izveo iz zemlje egipatske." (Izlazak 32:4)
Czech, Czech BKR
Kteréžto vzav z rukou jejich, dal je do formy, a udělal z nich tele slité. I řekli: Tito jsou bohové tvoji, Izraeli, kteříž tě vyvedli z země Egyptské. (Exodus 32:4)
Danish, Danish
Og han modtog dem af deres Haand, formede Guldet med en Mejsel og lavede en støbt Tyrekalv deraf. Da sagde de: »Her, Israel, er din Gud, som førte dig ud af Ægypten!« (2 Mosebog 32:4)
Dutch, Dutch Staten Vertaling
En hij nam ze uit hun hand, en hij bewierp het met een griffie, en hij maakte een gegoten kalf daaruit. Toen zeiden zij: Dit zijn uw goden, Israel! die u uit Egypteland opgevoerd hebben. (Exodus 32:4)
English, American King James Version
And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a engraving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 32:4)
English, American Standard Version
And he received it at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, and made it a molten calf: and they said, These are thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 32:4)
English, Darby Bible
And he took [them] out of their hand, and fashioned it with a chisel and made of it a molten calf: and they said, This is thy god, Israel, who has brought thee up out of the land of Egypt! (Exodus 32:4)
English, English Revised Version
He received what they handed him, and fashioned it with an engraving tool, and made it a molten calf; and they said, "These are your gods, Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt." (Exodus 32:4)
English, King James Version
And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These be thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 32:4)
English, New American Standard Bible
He took this from their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool and made it into a molten calf; and they said, "This is your god, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt." (Exodus 32:4)
English, Webster’s Bible
And he received them at their hand, and fashioned it with a graving tool, after he had made it a molten calf: and they said, These are thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt. (Exodus 32:4)
English, World English Bible
He received what they handed him, and fashioned it with an engraving tool, and made it a molten calf; and they said, "These are your gods, Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt." (Exodus 32:4)
English, Young's Literal Translation
and he receiveth from their hand, and doth fashion it with a graving tool, and doth make it a molten calf, and they say, 'These thy gods, O Israel, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.' (Exodus 32:4)
Esperanto, Esperanto
Kaj li prenis tion el iliaj manoj kaj formis gxin per cxizilo kaj faris el gxi fanditan bovidon. Kaj ili diris:Jen estas viaj dioj, ho Izrael, kiuj elirigis vin el la lando Egipta. (Eliro 32:4)
Finnish, Finnish Bible 1776
Jonka hän otti heidän kädestänsä, ja kuvasi sen kaivinraudalla, ja teki siitä valetun vasikan; ja he sanoivat: nämät ovat sinun jumalas, Israel, jotka sinun Egyptin maalta johdattivat ulos. (2. Mooseksen kirja 32:4)
French, Darby
et il les prit de leurs mains, et il forma l'or avec un ciseau, et il en fit un veau de fonte. Et ils dirent: C'est ici ton dieu, o Israel! qui t'a fait monter du pays d'Egypte. (Exode 32:4)
French, Louis Segond
Il les reçut de leurs mains, jeta l'or dans un moule, et fit un veau en fonte. Et ils dirent: Israël! voici ton dieu, qui t'a fait sortir du pays d'Egypte. (Exode 32:4)
French, Martin 1744
Qui les ayant reçues de leurs mains, forma l'or avec un burin, et il en fit un Veau de fonte. Et ils dirent : ce sont ici tes dieux, ô Israël, qui t'ont fait monter du pays d'Egypte. (Exode 32:4)
German, Luther 1912
Und er nahm sie von ihren Händen und entwarf's mit einem Griffel und machte ein gegossenes Kalb. Und sie sprachen: Das sind deine Götter, Israel, die dich aus Ägyptenland geführt haben! (Êxodo 32:4)
German, Modernized
Und er nahm sie von ihren Händen und entwarf es mit einem Griffel und machte ein gegossen Kalb. Und sie sprachen: Das sind deine Götter, Israel, die dich aus Ägyptenland geführet haben! (Êxodo 32:4)
Hebrew, Hebrew And Greek
וַיִּקַּ֣ח מִיָּדָ֗ם וַיָּ֤צַר אֹתֹו֙ בַּחֶ֔רֶט וַֽיַּעֲשֵׂ֖הוּ עֵ֣גֶל מַסֵּכָ֑ה וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ אֵ֤לֶּה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֲשֶׁ֥ר הֶעֱל֖וּךָ מֵאֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרָֽיִם׃ (שמות 32:4)
Hebrew, Westminster Leningrad Codex
וַיִּקַּ֣ח מִיָּדָ֗ם וַיָּ֤צַר אֹתֹו֙ בַּחֶ֔רֶט וַֽיַּעֲשֵׂ֖הוּ עֵ֣גֶל מַסֵּכָ֑ה וַיֹּ֣אמְר֔וּ אֵ֤לֶּה אֱלֹהֶ֙יךָ֙ יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל אֲשֶׁ֥ר הֶעֱל֖וּךָ מֵאֶ֥רֶץ מִצְרָֽיִם׃ (שמות 32:4)
Hungarian, Karoli Bible 1908
És elvevé kezökbõl, és alakítá azt vésõvel; így csinála abból öntött borjút. És szóltak: Ezek a te isteneid Izráel, a kik kihoztak téged Égyiptom földérõl. (2 Mózes 32:4)
Indonesian, Terjemahan Lama
Maka disambutnyalah dari pada tangan mereka itu, lalu diukirnya dengan pelukis satu teladan, maka setuju dengan dia dituang oranglah seekor anak lembu, lalu kata mereka itu: Hai orang Israel! Inilah dewamu, yang telah membawa akan kamu keluar dari negeri Mesir. (Keluaran 32:4)
Italian, Giovanni Diodati Bible 1649
Ed egli li prese dalle lor mani; e, dopo aver fatto il modello con lo scarpello, ne fece un vitello di getto. E gl’Israeliti dissero: O Israele, questi sono i tuoi dii, che ti hanno tratto fuor del paese di Egitto. (Esodo 32:4)
Italian, Riveduta Bible 1927
il quale li prese dalle loro mani, e, dopo averne cesellato il modello, ne fece un vitello di getto. E quelli dissero: "O Israele, questo è il tuo dio che ti ha tratto dal paese d’Egitto!" (Esodo 32:4)
Japanese, Japanese 1955
アロンがこれを彼らの手から受け取り、工具で型を造り、鋳て子牛としたので、彼らは言った、「イスラエルよ、これはあなたをエジプトの国から導きのぼったあなたの神である」。 (出エジプト記 32:4)
Korean, 개역개정
아론이 그들의 손에서 금 고리를 받아 부어서 조각칼로 새겨 송아지 형상을 만드니 그들이 말하되 이스라엘아 이는 너희를 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 낸 너희의 신이로다 하는지라  (출애굽기 32:4)
Korean, 개역한글
아론이 그들의 손에서 그 고리를 받아 부어서 각도로 새겨 송아지 형상을 만드니 그들이 말하되 이스라엘아 이는 너희를 애굽 땅에서 인도하여 낸 너희 신이로다 하는지라 (출애굽기 32:4)
Lithuanian, Lithuanian
Tas juos išlydė ir nuliedino veršį. Žmonės tarė: “Izraeli, štai tavo dievas, kuris tave išvedė iš Egipto žemės”. (Išėjimo 32:4)
Maori, Maori
Na ka tangohia e ia i o ratou ringa, a whakaahuatia ana e ia ki te purupuru tana kuao kau i whakarewa ai: na ka mea ratou, Ko ou atua enei, e Iharaira, nana nei koe i kawe mai ki runga nei i te whenua o Ihipa. (Exodus 32:4)
Norwegian, Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930
og han tok imot gullet og støpte det om og laget det med meiselen til en kalv. Da sa de: Dette er din Gud, Israel, som førte dig op fra Egyptens land. (2 Mosebok 32:4)
Polish, Polska Biblia [Polish Holy Bible]
Które gdy odebral z reku ich, wyksztaltowal je rylcem i uczynil z nich cielca odlewanego. I rzekli: Ci sa bogowie twoi, Izraelu, którzy cie wywiedli z ziemi Egipskiej. (2 Mojżeszowa 32:4)
Portuguese, Almeida Corrigida Fiel
E ele os tomou das suas mãos, e trabalhou o ouro com um buril, e fez dele um bezerro de fundição. Então disseram: Este é teu deus, ó Israel, que te tirou da terra do Egito. (Êxodo 32:4)
Portuguese, Bíblia King James Atualizada
Este, recebendo-os das suas mãos, os fez fundir em um molde e fabricou com esse ouro derretido uma estátua em forma de bezerro. Então o povo exclamou: “Esta é a figura dos nossos deuses, ó Israel, que vos tiraram da terra do Egito!” (Êxodo 32:4)
Romanian, Romanian Version
El i-a luat din mâinile lor, a bătut aurul cu dalta şi a făcut un viţel turnat. Şi ei au zis: „Israele! iată dumnezeul tău care te-a scos din ţara Egiptului.” (Exodul 32:4)
Russian, koi8r
Он взял их из рук их, и сделал из них литого тельца, и обделал его резцом. И сказали они: вот бог твой, Израиль, который вывел тебя из земли Египетской! (Исход 32:4)
Russian, Synodal Translation
Он взял их из рук их, и сделал из них литого тельца, и обделал его резцом. И сказали они: вот бог твой, Израиль, который вывел тебя из земли Египетской! (Исход 32:4)
Spanish, Reina Valera 1989
y él los tomó de las manos de ellos, y le dio forma con buril, e hizo de ello un becerro de fundición. Entonces dijeron: Israel, estos son tus dioses, que te sacaron de la tierra de Egipto. (Éxodo 32:4)
Spanish, Spanish Reina Valera Gómez
El cual los tomó de las manos de ellos, y le dio forma con buril, e hizo de ello un becerro de fundición. Entonces dijeron: Israel, éstos son tus dioses, que te sacaron de la tierra de Egipto. (Éxodo 32:4)
Spanish, Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
el cual los tomó de las manos de ellos, y lo formó con buril, e hizo de ello un becerro de fundición. Entonces dijeron: Israel, estos son tus dioses, que te sacaron de la tierra de Egipto. (Éxodo 32:4)
Swedish, Swedish Bible
och han tog emot guldet av dem och formade det med en mejsel och gjorde därav en gjuten kalv. Och de sade: »Detta är din Gud, Israel, han som har fört dig upp ur Egyptens land.» (2 Mosebok 32:4)
Tagalog, Ang Dating Biblia 1905
At kaniyang tinanggap sa kanilang kamay, at niyari sa pamamagitan ng isang buril, at ginawang isang guyang binubo, at kanilang sinabi, Ang mga ito ang maging iyong mga dios, Oh Israel, na nagsampa sa iyo mula sa lupain ng Egipto. (Exodo 32:4)
Thai, Thai: from KJV
เมื่ออาโรนได้รับทองคำจากมือเขาแล้ว จึงใช้เครื่องมือสลักหล่อรูปเป็นวัวหนุ่ม แล้วเขาทั้งหลายประกาศว่า "โอ อิสราเอล สิ่งเหล่านี้แหละเป็นพระของเจ้า ซึ่งนำเจ้าออกจากแผ่นดินอียิปต์" (หนังสืออพยพ 32:4)
Turkish, Turkish
Harun altınları topladı, oymacı aletiyle buzağı biçiminde dökme bir put yaptı. Halk, ‹‹Ey İsrailliler, sizi Mısırdan çıkaran Tanrınız budur!›› dedi. (MISIR'DAN ÇIKIŞ 32:4)
Vietnamese, Vietnamese Bible
người nhận lấy nơi tay họ, và dùng đục làm thành một bò con đúc. Dân chúng nói rằng: Hỡi Y-sơ-ra-ên! nầy là các thần của ngươi đã đem ngươi ra khỏi xứ Ê-díp-tô. (Xuất Ê-díp-tô Ký 32:4)