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Genesis 3:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. (Genesis 3:15)
Backslidden woman 2T 281   
Canaanite woman   [2]
Christian woman See Woman  
Crowned head, Crowned heads will bow to Satan’s false theories FE 472   
Department head, Department heads co-operation of, needed in execution of plans Ev 94    [1]
Divorced woman endured great suffering in Christ’s time AH 341    [1]
Enmity against gospel, no hope of seeing cessation of DA 357    [31]
Gospel seed See Seed  
Head capital of body is 4aSG 146    [18]
Head cap forgotten in giving fomentation 1T 604-5   
Head religion ministers who have, without heart conversion 4T 527   
Heathen woman, Heathen women Rahab’s conversion as PK 369    [3]
Idolatrous woman, Idolatrous women Jezebel was PK 115    [2]
Iron heel father who had 2T 85   
Lancashire woman comment of, on minister’s success GW 225   
Man-and-woman worship warning against TM 434-5   
Married woman (women) minister inclined to be much in company of, warning against 2SM 29    [2]
Mustard seed Christ’s utterances of truth likened to TM 154    [3]
Nervous woman (women) MH 293;2T 99-100;    [2]
One woman 20 needed where there is now, in work of saving souls WM 146