But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26)
Beautiful things
of creation, God’s love represented by
SD 75
Cheerful thing, Cheerful things
happiness depends on fixing mind on
MH 248
Comforter, Comforters
Christ desires to be, such as world knows not
MH 106
Created thing, Created things
declare glory of God’s excellence
DA 20
Deceptive thing, Deceptive things
many, will appear to be true
8T 290
Denominational name
SDA See Seventhday Adventist Church
Discourse in Six Dialogues, on the Name, Notion, and Observation of the Lord’s Day
by Thomas H. Morer, quoted
GC 575-7
Earthly things
not enduring, though they cost much
2T 336
Eternal things
not appreciated
1T 691
Fancied thing, Fancied things
persons who see, which do not exist
Ev 611
Fanciful thing, Fanciful things
do not trust to presentation of, to arouse interest
Ev 137
Fantastic things
souls satisfied with
2T 593
as used in Matt. 23.9
5BC 1098
Frivolous things
do not talk of, in miss. work
WM 91
Gloomy thing, Gloomy things
dwelling on, you commit sin and deny Christ by
3T 332
Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
absolute, what is
7BC 914