〉   31
Joshua 8:31
As Moses the servant of the Lord commanded the children of Israel, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses, an altar of whole stones, over which no man hath lift up any iron: and they offered thereon burnt offerings unto the Lord, and sacrificed peace offerings. (Joshua 8:31)
Account book mistakes and victories daily written in MYP 44   
Adoption as God’s children 1T 510;2T 44, 592;4T 110;WM 24;    [14]
Altar, Altars   [126]
Black man name of, written in book of life beside white man’s name ChS 218;2SM 342;    [1]
Blind man/People   [2]
Book, Books   [319]
Book advertising CW 147-8;9T 63;    [1]
Book and Bible House See Missionary society; Tract society  
Book and tract fund 1T 689-90    [1]
Book author, Book authors, Seventh-day Adventist ability of, talent given by God 7T 177    [7]
Book committee, Book committees members of, duties and essential qualifications of CW 155-6, 159-61;7T 160;TM 260-1;    [1]
Book cover, Book covers expensive, caution re CW 169-70    [1]
Book editor, Book editors responsibility of, solemn 7T 140    [1]
Book education heart education more important than 8T 311    [1]
Book embellishment, Book embellishments expensive, prayer does more to circulate books than 7T 158-9    [1]
Book fund needed to provide literature for the poor 1T 689-90    [1]
Book illustration, Book illustrations CW 167-76;7T 160;    [18]
Book knowledge alone, complete education consists of more than Ed 265;FE 538;    [19]
Book learning consecrated activity and perseverance worth more than 6T 178-9    [3]