Then said Jesus unto them, I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it? (Luke 6:9)
Abiding Sabbath
by Geo. Elliott
GC 447
Adventists, all-days-alike
abuse SDA
3T 572
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
See “Review and Herald”
Anticipated evil, Anticipated evils
brooding over, unwise and unchristian
5T 200
Anticipation of evil
some people always given to
PP 293
sorcerer See Elymas
Breath of life
from heaven, many souls gasp for
Ev 559
Business life
be light bearers to world in
7T 143
Bustle of life
hold fast to integrity amid noise and
1SM 90
Cheerful thing, Cheerful things
happiness depends on fixing mind on
MH 248
Christ (events of earthly life of)
Church life
prayer needed in
1SM 116