Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. (Matthew 24:44)
Business hour, Business hours
faithfully employ
4T 451
Council hour
heaven’s, Christ’s first advent was determined by
DA 32
Dishonest man (men)
among us need to be born again
CS 142
Divorced man
whose second marriage was justified
2SM 339-40
“Doomed Man,”
poem by Joseph Addison Alexander, quoted
PP 159
Drowning man
clinging to side of boat
TM 353
Eight-hour system
gospel worker does not measure his work by
9T 45
Eleventh hour
educate men of ability for God’s work at this
5T 554
Feeble man
one touch of God’s finger can prostrate
1T 117
Fellow man (men)
all associations with, should be with reference to their eternal interests and our own
4T 236
First-born son, First-born sons
Christ as See Christ
Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
absolute, what is
7BC 914
Harsh man
stubborn and loveless, God will not work with
Ev 629
Harsh-spirited man
unrefined and coarse
SD 100
Honorable man (men)
person who is most, on earth
5T 235