For, behold, the Lord cometh forth out of his place, and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth. (Micah 1:3)
Burial place
of the righteous, guardian angels mark
Ed 305
Business place, Business places
angel records all acts in
1T 480
“Courage in the Lord!”
cry of, in 1844
GW 265
“Desert place,”
in Gospels, does not mean waste and solitary wilderness
ML 133
Difficult place, Difficult places
show that God can trust SDA in
PP 622
meaning of, in signs recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke
EW 41
Happiest place
on earth, for Abraham
PP 126
High-minded person, High-minded persons
5T 106
High place, High places
Balaam offered sacrifices on
PP 444
High-pressure plan
living on, perils of
2T 656
High priest (Jewish)