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Numbers 18:1
And the Lord said unto Aaron, Thou and thy sons and thy father’s house with thee shall bear the iniquity of the sanctuary: and thou and thy sons with thee shall bear the iniquity of your priesthood. (Numbers 18:1)
Bear, Bears DA 479;PK 235-6;PP 644;   
Book and Bible House See Missionary society; Tract society  
Byron, Lord 4T 519-20    [1]
“Courage in the Lord!” cry of, in 1844 GW 265    [1]
Dance house low, contrast between better class of select parties and AH 516-7    [2]
Day of God/Day of the Lord at hand 5T 98-105;6T 446;    [39]
Den of iniquity, Dens of iniquity in large cities, physicians not to work specially for people in 6T 246   
Egyptian priesthood Joseph’s wife connected with highest order of PP 234    [1]
First-born son, First-born sons Christ as See Christ   [11]
Heathen priesthood sacrificed to sun, moon, and stars PK 115   
High priesthood corrupt in Christ’s time 5BC 1100-1    [1]
House, Houses MH 363-70    [120]
“House-band” See Father; Husband  
House of God on earth, gate of heaven to believer 5T 491    [2]
House of ill fame See Prostitution  
House of worship See Church building  
House-to-house ministry most important part of minister’s work is TM 312-3   
House-to-house visitation in 1843-44 2SM 402;WM 80;    [1]
House-to-house work among the wealthy, example of WM 72-3    [97]