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Romans 11:33
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)
Afrikaans, Afrikaans 1933/1953
O, die diepte van die rykdom, wysheid en kennis van God, want die mens het nie Sy oordele opgesoek en nie Sy paaie nagevolg nie, (ROMEINE 11:33)
Albanian, Albanian Bibla Shqip
O thellësi pasurie, urtësie dhe diturie të Perëndisë! Sa të pahulumtueshme janë gjykimet e tij dhe të pashtershme janë udhët e tij! (Romakëve 11:33)
Bulgarian, Bulgarian Bible
О колко дълбоко е богатството на премъдростта и знанието на Бога! Колко са непостижими Неговите съдби, и неизследими пътищата му! (Яков 11:33)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Simplified)
深 哉 , 神 丰 富 的 智 慧 和 知 识 ! 他 的 判 断 何 其 难 测 ! 他 的 踪 迹 何 其 难 寻 ! (羅馬書 11:33)
Chinese, Chinese Bible: Union (Traditional)
深 哉 , 神 豐 富 的 智 慧 和 知 識 ! 他 的 判 斷 何 其 難 測 ! 他 的 蹤 跡 何 其 難 尋 ! (羅馬書 11:33)
Chinese, 现代标点和合本
深哉,神丰富的智慧和知识!他的判断何其难测,他的踪迹何其难寻! (羅馬書 11:33)
Chinese, 現代標點和合本
深哉,神豐富的智慧和知識!他的判斷何其難測,他的蹤跡何其難尋! (羅馬書 11:33)
Croatian, Croatian Bible
O dubino bogatstva, i mudrosti, i spoznanja Božjega! Kako li su nedokučivi sudovi i neistraživi putovi njegovi! (Rimljanima 11:33)
Czech, Czech BKR
Ó hlubokosti bohatství i moudrosti i umění Božího! Jak jsou nezpytatelní soudové jeho a nevystižitelné cesty jeho! (Římanům 11:33)
Danish, Danish
O Dyb af Guds Rigdom og Visdom og Kundskab! hvor uransagelige ere hans Domme, og hans Veje usporlige! (Romerne 11:33)
Dutch, Dutch Staten Vertaling
O diepte des rijkdoms, beide der wijsheid en der kennis Gods, hoe ondoorzoekelijk zijn Zijn oordelen, en onnaspeurlijk Zijn wegen! (Romeinen 11:33)
English, American King James Version
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)
English, American Standard Version
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! (Romans 11:33)
English, Darby Bible
O depth of riches both of [the] wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable his judgments, and untraceable his ways! (Romans 11:33)
English, English Revised Version
Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! (Romans 11:33)
English, King James Version
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)
English, New American Standard Bible
Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! (Romans 11:33)
English, Webster’s Bible
O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out! (Romans 11:33)
English, World English Bible
Oh the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! (Romans 11:33)
English, Young's Literal Translation
O depth of riches, and wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways! (Romans 11:33)
Esperanto, Esperanto
Ho, profundo de ricxeco kaj sagxeco kaj scio de Dio! kiel neesploreblaj estas Liaj jugxoj, kaj nesekveblaj Liaj vojoj! (Romanoj 11:33)
Finnish, Finnish Bible 1776
Oi sitä Jumalan rikkauden, ja viisauden, ja tunnon syvyyttä! kuinka tutkimattomat ovat hänen tuomionsa ja käsittämättömät hänen tiensä! (Roomalaiskirje 11:33)
French, Darby
O profondeur des richesses et de la sagesse et de la connaissance de Dieu! Que ses jugements sont insondables, et ses voies introuvables! (Romains 11:33)
French, Louis Segond
O profondeur de la richesse, de la sagesse et de la science de Dieu! Que ses jugements sont insondables, et ses voies incompréhensibles! Car (Romains 11:33)
French, Martin 1744
Ô profondeur des richesses et de la sagesse et de la connaissance de Dieu! que ses jugements sont incompréhensibles, et ses voies impossibles à trouver! (Romains 11:33)
German, Luther 1912
O welch eine Tiefe des Reichtums, beides, der Weisheit und Erkenntnis Gottes! Wie gar unbegreiflich sind sein Gerichte und unerforschlich seine Wege! (Romanos 11:33)
German, Modernized
O welch eine Tiefe des Reichtums, beide, der Weisheit und Erkenntnis Gottes! Wie gar unbegreiflich sind seine Gerichte und unerforschlich seine Wege! (Romanos 11:33)
Greek, Nestle Greek New Testament (1904)
Ὦ βάθος πλούτου καὶ σοφίας καὶ γνώσεως Θεοῦ· ὡς ἀνεξεραύνητα τὰ κρίματα αὐτοῦ καὶ ἀνεξιχνίαστοι αἱ ὁδοὶ αὐτοῦ. (ΠΡΟΣ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΥΣ 11:33)
Greek, Scrivener New Testament (1894)
Ὦ βάθος πλούτου καὶ σοφίας καὶ γνώσεως Θεοῦ. ὡς ἀνεξερεύνητα τὰ κρίματα αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἀνεξιχνίαστοι αἱ ὁδοὶ αὐτοῦ. (ΠΡΟΣ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΥΣ 11:33)
Greek, Stephanus New Testament (1550)
Ὦ βάθος πλούτου καὶ σοφίας καὶ γνώσεως θεοῦ· ὡς ἀνεξερεύνητα τὰ κρίματα αὐτοῦ καὶ ἀνεξιχνίαστοι αἱ ὁδοὶ αὐτοῦ (ΠΡΟΣ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΥΣ 11:33)
Greek, Westcott-Hort New Testament (1881)
Ὢ βάθος πλούτου καὶ σοφίας καὶ γνώσεως θεοῦ· ὡς ἀνεξεραύνητα τὰ κρίματα αὐτοῦ καὶ ἀνεξιχνίαστοι αἱ ὁδοὶ αὐτοῦ. (ΠΡΟΣ ΡΩΜΑΙΟΥΣ 11:33)
Hebrew, Hebrew And Greek
Ὦ βάθος πλούτου καὶ σοφίας καὶ γνώσεως Θεοῦ· ὡς ἀνεξεραύνητα τὰ κρίματα αὐτοῦ καὶ ἀνεξιχνίαστοι αἱ ὁδοὶ αὐτοῦ. (- 11:33)
Hungarian, Karoli Bible 1908
Óh Isten gazdagságának, bölcseségének és tudományának mélysége! Mely igen kikutathatatlanok az õ ítéletei s kinyomozhatatlanok az õ útai! (Róma 11:33)
Indonesian, Terjemahan Lama
Alangkah dalamnya kekayaan dan hikmat dan pengetahuan Allah, sehingga tiada terselidik segala hukum-Nya dan tiada terduga segala jalan-Nya! (Roma 11:33)
Italian, Giovanni Diodati Bible 1649
O PROFONDITÀ di ricchezze, e di sapienza, e di conoscimento di Dio! quanto è impossibile di rinvenire i suoi giudicii, e d’investigar le sue vie! (Romani 11:33)
Italian, Riveduta Bible 1927
O profondità della ricchezza e della sapienza e della conoscenza di Dio! Quanto inscrutabili sono i suoi giudizi, e incomprensibili le sue vie! (Romani 11:33)
Japanese, Japanese 1955
ああ深いかな、神の知恵と知識との富は。そのさばきは窮めがたく、その道は測りがたい。 (ローマ人への手紙 11:33)
Korean, 개역개정
깊도다 하나님의 지혜와 지식의 풍성함이여, 그의 판단은 헤아리지 못할 것이며 그의 길은 찾지 못할 것이로다  (로마서 11:33)
Korean, 개역한글
깊도다 하나님의 지혜와 지식의 부요함이여, 그의 판단은 측량치 못할것이며 그의 길은 찾지 못할 것이로다 (로마서 11:33)
Lithuanian, Lithuanian
O Dievo turtų, išminties ir pažinimo gelme! Kokie neištiriami Jo teismai ir nesusekami Jo keliai! (Romiečiams 11:33)
Maori, Maori
Ano te hohonu, te hua ngatahi hoki o te whakaaro o te Atua me tona mohio! e kore ana tikanga e taea te rapu, ona huarahi te whakataki! (Romans 11:33)
Norwegian, Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930
O dyp av rikdom og visdom og kunnskap hos Gud! Hvor uransakelige hans dommer er, og hvor usporlige hans veier! (Romerne 11:33)
Polish, Polska Biblia [Polish Holy Bible]
O glebokosci bogactwa i madrosci, i znajomosci Bozej! Jako sa niewybadane sady jego i niedoscignione drogi jego! (Rzymian 11:33)
Portuguese, Almeida Corrigida Fiel
Ó profundidade das riquezas, tanto da sabedoria, como da ciência de Deus! Quão insondáveis são os seus juízos, e quão inescrutáveis os seus caminhos! (Romanos 11:33)
Portuguese, Bíblia King James Atualizada
Ó profundidade da riqueza, da sabedoria e do conhecimento de Deus! Quão insondáveis são os seus juízos, e quão inescrutáveis os seus caminhos! (Romanos 11:33)
Romanian, Romanian Version
O, adâncul bogăţiei, înţelepciunii şi ştiinţei lui Dumnezeu! Cât de nepătrunse sunt judecăţile Lui şi cât de neînţelese sunt căile Lui! (Romani 11:33)
Russian, koi8r
О, бездна богатства и премудрости и ведения Божия! Как непостижимы судьбы Его и неисследимы пути Его! (Римлянам 11:33)
Russian, Synodal Translation
О, бездна богатства и премудрости и ведения Божия! Как непостижимы судьбы Его и неисследимы пути Его! (Римлянам 11:33)
Spanish, Reina Valera 1989
!!Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y de la ciencia de Dios! !!Cuán insondables son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos! (Romanos 11:33)
Spanish, Spanish Reina Valera Gómez
¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y del conocimiento de Dios! ¡Cuán insondables son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos! (Romanos 11:33)
Spanish, Spanish: Sagradas Escrituras 1569
¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría y de la ciencia de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos! (Romanos 11:33)
Swahili, Swahili NT
Utajiri, hekima na elimu ya Mungu ni kuu mno! Huruma zake hazichunguziki, na njia zake hazieleweki! Kama yasemavyo Maandiko Matakatifu: (Warumi 11:33)
Swedish, Swedish Bible
O, vilket djup av rikedom och vishet och kunskap hos Gud! Huru outgrundliga äro icke hans domar, och huru outrannsakliga hans vägar! (Romabrevet 11:33)
Tagalog, Ang Dating Biblia 1905
Oh kalaliman ng mga kayamanan ng karunungan at ng kaalaman ng Dios! oh di matingkalang mga hatol niya, at hindi malirip na kaniyang mga daan! (Mga Taga-Roma 11:33)
Thai, Thai: from KJV
โอ พระปัญญาและความรอบรู้ของพระเจ้านั้นล้ำลึกเท่าใด คำตัดสินของพระองค์นั้นเหลือที่จะหยั่งรู้ได้ และทางของพระองค์ก็เหลือที่จะสืบเสาะได้ (หนังสือโรม 11:33)
Turkish, Turkish
Tanrının zenginliği ne büyük, bilgeliği ve bilgisi ne derindir! Onun yargıları ne denli akıl ermez, yolları ne denli anlaşılmazdır! (ROMALILAR 11:33)
Vietnamese, Vietnamese Bible
Ôi! sâu nhiệm thay là sự giàu có, khôn ngoan và thông biết của Ðức Chúa Trời! Sự phán xét của Ngài nào ai thấu được, đường nẻo của Ngài nào ai hiểu được! (Rô-ma 11:33)