During the first few months of the year, I received from our brethren connected with important enterprises in southern California urgent invitations to visit the institutions in that part of the State. And indeed I felt desirous of visiting once more that portion of the field, concerning which the Lord has given me much instruction regarding the establishment of medical missionary and educational institutions.
(RH July 25, 1907, 1)
About the middle of April, the Drs. Kress and their family arrived from Australia, and stayed with us for a few days before going on to Washington, D. C., to which place they have been called to connect with the Sanitarium at Takoma Park. As we were anxious for them to visit the sanitariums on the Pacific Coast, we thought this a favorable time to take our southern trip in company with them.
(RH July 25, 1907, 2)
We left St. Helena on the afternoon of Thursday, April 18. Our party was made up of Dr. Kress, and his wife, who is also a physician; their daughter Ora, and two smaller children; Miss Stevens, who accompanied them from Australia; Dr. H. F. Rand, physician at the St. Helena Sanitarium; my son, W. C. White; Dores Robinson, one of my copyists; Sara McEnterfer, my attendant; and myself.
(RH July 25, 1907, 3)
On our arrival at the Ferry Building in San Francisco, we were taken in a carriage to the station at Third and Townsend Streets. During the past year the sins that called forth the judgments of God on San Francisco have been continued. Violence and crime have greatly increased. A startling record of dishonesty and conniving has been brought to light in the investigation of the actions of men in official positions.
(RH July 25, 1907, 4)
We passed through San Francisco on the anniversary of the great earthquake of last year. The day had been declared a holiday, and many were celebrating the occasion with revelry and in pleasure seeking.
(RH July 25, 1907, 5)
Plans are being laid to rebuild the city on a grand scale. Several earthquake shocks have been felt, but these warnings are being disregarded by many. “We will have,” they say, “larger and more magnificent buildings than we have ever had before.” Christ says, “When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, ... and they shall not escape.”
(RH July 25, 1907, 6)
At 8 P. M. we left San Francisco by the Coast Line to Los Angeles. At Burbank, a few miles from Los Angeles, W. C. White, Sara McEnterfer, and I left the train, and after waiting for a few minutes took the cars to San Fernando. Here we were met at the station, and taken to the school.
(RH July 25, 1907, 7)
The Fernando School
We are thankful that the Lord in his providence opened the way for us to establish an educational work at Fernando. Our brethren purchased this property about five years ago for about one third of the amount originally invested in it. Besides buildings that were in every way adapted to school work, there were about twelve and a half acres of land, suitable for orchard and garden. The large school building is a modern, two-story structure with an attic. On the first floor there are fine recitation rooms, and a chapel that will seat about two hundred. On the second floor there are seven good schoolrooms. The attic has been partitioned off, and provides a number of sleeping-rooms for the boys. Besides this large building there is a two-and-a-half story structure used as a ladies’ dormitory.
(RH July 25, 1907, 8)
We were glad to learn that success has attended the Fernando school during the year that has just closed. The attendance has been good, and we rejoice to know that many of the students have offered themselves for service during the summer.
(RH July 25, 1907, 9)
A spirit of missionary zeal will surely result from a proper study of the Word of God. In May, 1903, I wrote the following words to those in charge of the Fernando school:
(RH July 25, 1907, 10)
“The light given me is that the educational branch of our work will be of great importance. What is it that will make our schools a power? It is not the size of the buildings. It is not the number of advanced studies taught. It is the faithful work done by teachers and students, as they begin at the lower rounds of the ladder of progress, and climb diligently round by round.
(RH July 25, 1907, 11)
“Intermediate schools are highly essential. There are many parents who do not know how to train their children to be workers together with God. They have not in all things outgrown their childishness, and therefore they know not how to care properly for the church in their homes. Fathers and mothers have become indifferent to their obligations to God, and unmindful of their duty to their children. Therefore we must establish schools that will be as the schools of the prophets.
(RH July 25, 1907, 12)
“The Word of God is to lie at the foundation of all the work done in these schools. And the students are to be taught the true dignity of labor. They are to be shown that God is a constant worker. Let every teacher take hold heartily with a group of students, working with them, and teaching them how to work. As the teachers do this, they will gain a valuable experience. Their hearts will be bound up with the hearts of the students, and this will open the way for successful teaching.
(RH July 25, 1907, 13)
“Thorough work must be done in these schools; for many students will go forth from them directly into the great harvest-field. They will go forth to use what they have learned, as canvassers, and as helpers in various lines of evangelistic work. Many workers, after studying for a time in the field, will feel the need of further study, and with the experience gained in the field will be prepared to value school privileges, and to make rapid advancement. Some will desire an education in the higher branches of study. For these our colleges have been established.
(RH July 25, 1907, 14)
“It would be a sad mistake for us to fail to consider thoroughly the purpose for which each of our schools is established. This is a matter that should be faithfully studied by our responsible men in each union conference. All the different educational interests should be given careful consideration.”
(RH July 25, 1907, 15)
We have before us a great work, and there is need of many educated laborers who have fitted themselves for positions of trust. In the training for service in the cause of God, the Bible must lie at the foundation. The principles of truth taught in the Word of God will act as a safeguard against the evil influences that are in the world. In the home and in the school the Bible is to be made the great text-book.
(RH July 25, 1907, 16)
Efforts to educate children in the fear of the Lord, without making the study of the Word prominent, are sadly misdirected. Unless there is such a training as will lead to a recognition and an abhorrence of sin, moral deformity will result. Our children should be removed from the evil influences of the public schools, and placed where thoroughly converted teachers may educate them in the Holy Scriptures. The students in our schools should take the Word of God as the grand rule of their lives.
(RH July 25, 1907, 17)
While at Fernando I spoke twice in the school chapel, and on Sabbath afternoon my son talked to the students. At the Sabbath morning service, the room was well filled, and I was thankful for the privilege of addressing so many who during the past few months had been receiving instruction in the Word of God. I based my remarks upon the first chapter of First Peter. I dwelt at some length upon the subject of the earthly mission of Christ, who “according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”
(RH July 25, 1907, 18)
In view of the great sacrifice of Christ in our behalf, we are to purify our souls in obeying the truth “through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren,” and to “love one another with a pure heart fervently: being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.”
(RH July 25, 1907, 19)