On Monday morning, April 22, we left Fernando for Loma Linda, where we were to join the rest of our party, who had made short visits to Glendale and Paradise Valley.
(RH August 1, 1907, 1)
At Loma Linda we found the work moving forward encouragingly. Since my last visit to this place about one year ago, some improvements have been made in the property. Two cottages have been added, and a three-story addition, forty by eighty feet in size, has been made to the main building. This addition was necessary to provide satisfactory bath-rooms, and offices for the physicians. The new bath-rooms are roomy and convenient, and they add greatly to the popularity of the place.
(RH August 1, 1907, 2)
The patronage at the sanitarium during the winter months has been better than at any previous period. Favorable impressions have been made upon the patients who have visited the institution. Some of these have been converted, and others are deeply interested in our message. For this we are thankful. This is the object for which our sanitariums have been established, the conversion of souls.
(RH August 1, 1907, 3)
This beautiful sanitarium property, that in the wonderful providence of God has come into our possession, is in the midst of the orange district, and is noted for the excellency of its fruit. It is within easy access of Redlands, Riverside, Colton, San Bernardino, and other cities. As a result of the labors of Elder Simpson, Elder Haskell, and others, strong companies of believers have been raised up in Riverside and Redlands, and there is also a small company at San Bernardino. Elder Hare and Elder Whitehead have just concluded a series of meetings at Redlands, as a result of which five new converts have been added to the church there.
(RH August 1, 1907, 4)
The Work of Dr. Starr
In San Bernardino Dr. Lillis Wood-Starr has found many openings for educational work. About three months ago she began to conduct studies in cooking, healthful dress, and general hygiene, with some of the families of our own church. She was assisted in her work by some of the helpers from the sanitarium who were able to give practical demonstrations in healthful cooking and in simple nursing.
(RH August 1, 1907, 5)
Neighbors were invited to attend these demonstrations, and some who were present by invitation requested that similar studies be given in their homes, to which they might invite some of their friends. Thus the work grew rapidly, until Dr. Starr was unable to respond to all the requests she received. Her work was brought to the attention of the superintendent of public schools, and at his invitation she gave health talks before as many as fifteen hundred children in the schools of the city. Her co-operation with the Woman's Christian Temperance Union has enabled her to become acquainted with many excellent ladies. Such efforts as these are powerful factors in removing from the minds of many the prejudice that exists against our people.
(RH August 1, 1907, 6)
Death of Elder Simpson
While we were at Loma Linda, we were made sad to hear of the death of Elder W. W. Simpson. Brother Simpson was a man who thoroughly believed the message for this time, and he preached it with power. His winning way of presenting Bible doctrines, and his ability to devise and to use suitable illustrations, enabled him to hold the close attention of large congregations. He had confidence in the power of the word of God to bring conviction, and the Lord greatly blessed his efforts in the salvation of many souls. We may say of our brother, “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.”
(RH August 1, 1907, 7)
Sabbath Sermon
On Sabbath, April 27, many of our brethren and sisters from neighboring churches gathered in the parlors with the sanitarium family, and I spoke to them there. I read the first chapter of Hebrews as the basis of my discourse. This chapter clearly indicates the individual personalities of the Father and the Son. Speaking of the Son, the apostle says, “God ... hath appointed [him] heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.”
(RH August 1, 1907, 8)
If men and women could be once inspired by a view of the great and grand work that has been accomplished through God's gift of his Son, their days would no longer be given up to pleasure-seeking and frivolity. Our ears would no longer be pained by the drunkard's song and the story of crime and wickedness. Men would endeavor to place themselves where they could realize the meaning of the great salvation offered through Jesus Christ. It means life, eternal life to the receiver.
(RH August 1, 1907, 9)
Christ was the greatest medical missionary that ever trod the earth. Did he come with grandeur, making a wonderful display, as some seem to think is necessary in order to make a favorable impression? Souls are not converted by such impressions. Had it been best for the success of his mission, Christ would have come in great glory, accompanied by myriads of angels. But no; he laid aside his glory and his high authority as commander of the hosts of heaven, and came to our world as a humble child. He was born in poverty. His early years were spent in an obscure village, toiling at the carpenter's bench. Even here, thoroughness characterized his work. Nothing left his hands that was not perfect in workmanship.
(RH August 1, 1907, 10)
“Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” To all who believe in him he promises power to become sons of God. But there must be a continuance in that belief. So long as we maintain a living connection with God, his Holy Spirit will enable us to preserve our faith in him and in his word. But unless we continue to lay hold of the hope set before us in the gospel, we shall drift,—drift away from the truth on the tide of skepticism and infidelity.
(RH August 1, 1907, 11)
Few have any idea of the battles that are before us. The stronger the conflict, however, the more strength will the Holy Spirit impart to us. We are not left to struggle alone against the mighty opposing forces of evil. Were our eyes opened, we should see heavenly angels about us, to protect us from the influence of the hosts of evil. Jesus watches over every one. He will not suffer us to be tempted above that which, with his help, we are able to bear. He desires us to have faith and confidence in him, that he may fill us with peace and happiness.
(RH August 1, 1907, 12)
As laborers together with God, we are not left in our poverty-stricken condition to do the great work that lies before us. Christ does not send forth his disciples upon their world-wide mission without promising to sustain them. “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth,” he declares. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.”
(RH August 1, 1907, 13)
How wonderfully the Lord has wrought for us in the securing of the Loma Linda Sanitarium! He knew that we could not unaided have purchased these buildings and their furnishings. But he opened the way before us, that we might secure the property, and make it a blessing to others. And so he will open the way in other places where sanitariums should be established. These institutions should be out of the cities, yet near enough to make it possible for the workers to give the message of warning in the great centers of population. Let all connected with our sanitariums work under the guidance of our Heavenly Father, seeking to improve every opportunity to reach the hearts of those with whom they are associated. As they do this, they will increase in capability, in judgment, and in the fear of the Lord.
(RH August 1, 1907, 14)
Let the workers realize that this is God's property. Each one should know for himself that he is faithfully performing the duties that are laid upon him. Let us all be kind and patient, tenderhearted and forgiving. Never let us give expression to a rough or an impatient word. Let us pray that the Lord's name may be glorified in us.
(RH August 1, 1907, 15)
God will surely work through us, and cause the power of his truth to reach human hearts, if we will, as workers, give ourselves unreservedly to him, and diligently study his Word. O how inexpressibly precious is his Word! Shall we not study it more faithfully? It has been wonderfully preserved for us through the ages. As we present its principles to others, it will have a holy influence upon mind and character; for there is life in obedience to its commandments: there is strength and encouragement in its promises.
(RH August 1, 1907, 16)
My soul is drawn out in intense earnestness for the salvation of souls. At times the burden rests upon me so heavily that I can not sleep, and I arise in the early morning hours, and write, urging our brethren to labor earnestly for the salvation of their fellow men. I am now nearly eighty years of age, and although my enthusiasm is still strong, I desire to see many who are younger than I stepping into the ranks. We do not want the judgments of God to fall upon our world, while so little has been done to warn its inhabitants. We must put forth intense efforts to cause the light of truth to shine forth in every city and town. Much more would be accomplished if all were laboring for souls with the intensity that Christ put into his ministry. Night after night he spent in the open air, with strong crying and with agonizing prayer to his Father.
(RH August 1, 1907, 17)
Let us resist the enemy, that he may flee from us. Let us lay hold upon eternal life. God has prepared for us a city, whose glories it is impossible to describe. In this beautiful city, in the earth made new, we may spend eternity. There we shall be free from the sufferings and the heartaches of this earth. Christ is calling us to hide our lives in him by living faith. He opens before us the privilege of being “partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”
(RH August 1, 1907, 18)