EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Advent, second   [474]
    object of:
       completion of work of redemption GC 299
       foretold GC 304
       gathering of God’s people GC 37, 340, 427, 634
       reaping of harvest of earth GC 454
    Pilate’s wife shown, in dream DA 732
    prayer for MB 108
    promise of,
       Christ made GC 37, 339
       ever keep fresh in minds AA 33
       is sure CS 349-50;8T 254;
       which angels gave AA 33-4;DA 832;EW 191;GC 301, 339, 662;
    Satan’s deceptive appearance prior to GC 624-5;5T 698;
    signs of See Sign of times
    spiritual view of, dangerous 2SG 72-4
    subject of:
       before world Ev 220;FE 336;
       Bible study arouses interest in GC 357
       dwell upon Ev 624
       keep, before our churches FE 336