EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Advent, second   [474]
       once a theme of conversation 5T 387
       theme for study Ev 187
    unbelief re,
       foretold by Christ GC 338
       God displeased by TM 78
    visions re 1SM 65
    we should desire GC 340
    whom Christ acknowledges at 1T 133
    advantages given to SDAs in preparation for HP 347.3
    angels at LHU 373.5
    at midnight when all are sleeping Mar 55.2
    belief in,
       inspires vigor in practical life TMK 357.4
       shown by purity and cleanliness TDG 331.6
    bodies changed at, but not characters RC 307.2
    business engaged in at, by some elect LDE 76
    expected by EGW in her day LDE 36
    calamities and fear at time of 3SM 417.4
    calls for rejoicing UL 356.7
    character unchanged at FW 43.2