EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Apostles   [146]
       first step in church organization AA 18;DA 291;
    Peter not given supremacy over AA 198-9
    power over unclean spirits given to 1T 208
    prayer and communion of, before Pentecost MH 509
    rabbinical teaching influenced DA 412, 670
    regarded as ignorant fishermen SR 252
    regrets of, after Christ’s ascension DA 508
    reward for services of, no stated sum offered as MH 479-80;MYP 303;
    selfish ambition of DA 435-7
    sent forth:
       as Christ’s representatives AA 22;DA 351;
       as representatives of gospel church AA 19;DA 291, 414;
       to preach and heal 6T 292
       two and two DA 350
    serious faults of, when called to service DA 295-6
    seven, in humble garb of fishermen DA 809
    six long and gloomy days for DA 418
    skepticism of, re Christ’s resurrection DA 793-4
    slept in Gethsemane MH 509
    slow to understand gospel was for all nations DA 351