EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Apostles   [146]
    studied under Christ three years CT 511;DA 809;
    teachers divinely appointed DA 351
    thinking of, confused and erroneous DA 670;GC 348-9;
    three, in closest relationship to Christ DA 292, 420
    with Christ three and a half years AA 17
    words and works of, to revolutionize world MYP 170
    Christ’s method of DA 349-50;Ed 84-96;
    by personal contact and association Ed 231
    for Christ’s own use 5BC 1088
    for missionary work Ev 109
    in school of Christ FE 359
    not in false customs and traditions of world CT 511
    not in schools of prophets 5BC 1088
    to be leaders of church AA 17-24
    training given by Christ to CT 511;DA 250-1;WM 117;
    apology to, by authorities who had imprisoned them RC 343.4
    days of, submitting to Holy Spirit will bring experience of CME 22.3
    errors of, arrayed 3SM 343.3