EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Business   [339]
    temporal, be discriminating, apt, and accomplished in 4T 358
       Christian is not debarred from engaging in FE 82-3
    church members should do miss. work in connection with 8T 77
       discretion and wisdom needed in 1T 212
       tact and industry are essential to success in 5T 276
    Ten Commandments apply to 2T 42-3
    time and talents of persons needed in gospel work are absorbed by CM 38
    time needed in, for prayer and Bible study COL 51;2T 654;
    true success in, impossible when sacrificing principle FE 83
    truthful and honest in, colporteur should be 6T 338
    unlawful gains in, are condemned 4T 494
    use of talents in, accountability for CS 143
    whatever your, reveal gospel to others PK 222
    when, is snare 1SM 90
    where, of everyone is business of all 3T 55-6
    why many people consider it uphill, to serve God 2T 189
    witnesses see all we do and say in SD 37
    woman who made, secondary to God and truth 2T 280-1
    world is absorbed in rounds of PP 104;5T 100;
    worldly: accountability to God for CT 545