EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Business   [339]
    character perfection may be hindered in AG 271.5
    Christ glorified in manner of doing HP 224.3
    Christ not close because of spell of FW 92.1
    Christian life to be more than time activities of OHC 241.3
    Christian principles of HP 243
    commands of God followed in TMK 219.5
    connections in, sanctified by the grace of Christ AG 271.4
    control of lines of, by a few; trade unions mark opposers CL 10.3
    day of the Lord a snare to those engrossed in CC 37.7
    deception in, See Fraud
    defective principles in, woven into religious life TDG 161.5
    diligence in, commendable but not if neglecting God and people OHC 241.3
    divine aid in, when we do our part TDG 42.5
    each to manage own, controlling money for contributions PM 232.4
    engagements of, Christ’s yoke to be worn in HP 201.4
    entanglements in, permitted to stir to action PM 302.3;UL 72.5;
    enterprises of, See Projects
    examine, with God; dealing treacherously with Him TDG 349.3
    fairness in,
       considered important by our Saviour 2MCP 437.2