EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
       teachers have responsibility in dealing with 1MCP 192.0
       duties to impress LHU 173.5
       influences on, endure through character RC 292.6
       to be school to train, for the higher school HP 209.2
    homeless, See Orphans
    honor to parents to be objective of RC 180.6
    ignored, getting into mischief, creates bad influence 3SM 217.3
    illegitimate, not to marry mother of one’s TSB 225
    imagination of, cultivate, to picture the new earth TMK 145.3
    impressed that they bear God’s image RC 300.7
    impressions on,
       harsh treatment leaves harmful 2MCP 552
       influence, for life 2MCP 599.1
    impulse not to govern dealing with 2MCP 552.0
    impulsiveness of, restrained by Word of God as standard RC 176.2
    impurity and sin permitted in 1MCP 162.2
    inducements of Satan for; he wants control of minds 1MCP 170.2
    indulgence of
       parents who love, avoid 3SM 293.1