EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
       train, as God’s family; avoid HP 210.3
       train, for Christ; refuse, in appetite or vanity TMK 40.2
    infancy of, father to begin character training at RC 179.2
    infant, mother’s behavior mirrored by RC 189.5
    influence of, who are taught right 1MCP 172.3, 173.1
       influence on,
       by careless parents 3SM 229.1
       considered before becoming parents 3SM 214.4
       not to be jeopardized TSB 37
       seen by others RC 167.4
    inherit inclinations to wrong; strengthen the good 1MCP 144.4
    institutions strengthened by, when taught right 1MCP 172.4
    instructed by parents to love and glorify God HP 216.4
    instruction to Israelites about teaching, is for us LHU 146.2
    interest in tempted OHC 121.4
    Israelites told to bring, inside and put blood on doorposts HP 150.3
    keep, within own premises CL 12.4
    kept in the narrow path by effort and prayer HP 212.4
       and tenderness for, prepare them to receive Christ TDG 266.2