EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
    profligate and steeped in vice as result of neglect of home training FE 286
    promised, should receive good legacy from parents PP 561
    proud 4T 98
    puny and weakly 2T 533
    quarrelsome See Quarrelsome children
    quarrelsome and vicious, who are a curse to society 2T 402
    quick and passionate in disposition, need special care CG 93
    quick to resent injuries, faith has precious lessons for Ed 256-7
    reaching suitable age should be provided tools CG 355;CT 122;
    really desiring to do right need encouragement to energy and perseverance CG 263
    rebellious: godly father’s discipline of 4aSG 51
       how to deal with 4T 362-3
       who should be expelled from school 4T 205-6
    receiving less care than do domestic animals 2SM 426
    refusing to heed parental instruction CG 173
    released from responsibilities, grow up worthless at home and abroad 1T 218-9
    remorse of impenitent, in day of judgment MYP 334
    restless, given cake or candies to keep them still 2SM 435
       testimony of pale faces of 2SM 435
    restless and wayward, need careful training and tender guidance AH 276