EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Child, Children   [3668]
       dietary habits of CD 240
    six years old and upward should understand their share of life’s burdens 2T 700
    some: naturally more obstinate than others CG 237
       need more attention than others CG 207
       need more patient discipline than others CT 115
    some straying, will come to their senses later CT 112
    speaking rudely one to another SD 113
    spoiled: carries great burden through life CG 213;CT 112;
       parents’ duty re FE 69
       who threw food on the floor CD 240
       woman who was like 2T 231
    spoiled by: mismanagement AH 312
       praise and petting CG 141
    stealing away to pleasures they think parents forbid CG 285
    stubborn and rebellious, stoned in ancient times 4T 204-5
    studying great lesson book of nature, God impresses minds of 8T 326
    subject to rough usage, Christ’s heart touched by helplessness of Ed 294;FE 265;
    subjected by force or through fear, future of 3T 133
    suffering as result of parents’ transgression, are many CH 37;MH 234;
       of laws of their being 2T 383