EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
       on way to Gethsemane DA 674
       while moon was shining bright DA 674
    discourse of, on sundry matters DA 677-80
    came to garden of Gethsemane DA 685
       while Passover moon shone broad and full from cloudless sky DA 685
    angel strengthened, in Gethsemane 5BC 1123;DA 694;1T 240;2T 206;
    Judas Iscariot betrayed, in Gethsemane DA 695-6;2T 203;
    arrested in Gethsemane DA 694-7;EW 167-8;GC 666;
       at midnight 5BC 1148;DA 760;
       on fourteenth day of Jewish month GC 399
    forsaken by disciples DA 697;EW 168;GC 667;
    mob arrived to seize DA 694
    kissed by betrayer DA 695-6
    Peter attempted to defend, by cutting off ear of high priest’s servant with sword DA 696
    taken to house of Annas, ex-high priest DA 698
       after midnight DA 698
       for preliminary trial DA 698, 742
    tried before Annas DA 698-703, 760;GC 667;