EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Christ (events of earthly life of)   [702]
    taken from Annas to Caiaphas for trial DA 703, 742
       early in morning when very dark DA 703
    questioned unsuccessfully by Annas and Caiaphas DA 703
    tried before Caiaphas and Sanhedrin 5BC 1104-5;DA 703-10, 714, 760;GC 667;
       in judgment hall at palace of high priest DA 703
    put under judicial oath by Caiaphas DA 706-7;GC 643;MB 67;
    condemned to death by Sanhedrin DA 709-10, 760
    taken to guardroom to be held till daylight DA 710-4
    final condemnation of, by Sanhedrin DA 714-5, 760
       at daybreak DA 714
    taken to Pilate’s judgment hall for trial DA 723, 742;GC 667;
       at early hour DA 723-4
       prior to eating of Passover Feast by Jews DA 723, 742
    taken to Herod Antipas for trial DA 728, 742;EW 173;
    arrayed in gorgeous robe and abused by soldiers DA 731
    taken back to Pilate DA 731;EW 174;
    Pilate’s wife given dream re DA 732