EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Church member, Church members
his salvation depends on individual effort
2T 121
responsibility to work to save souls
2T 121
that he himself must be right with God
5T 481
truth he professes is reality
3T 389
under obligation to consecrate his tithe to God
5T 481
find access to people in their neighborhood
9T 41
follow in Christ’s footsteps of self-denial and sacrifice
MM 318
gather fresh manna daily
5T 486
give: Bible studies from house to house
9T 127
liberally for advancement of God’s work
9T 53
themselves willingly to colporteur work
ChS 147
into ripening fields to harvest souls
ChS 67
on warfare for Christ at their own charges
8T 246
guard their words and actions lest they hurt oil and wine
5T 614
help: in med. miss. work
7T 62