EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Church member, Church members
ministers by cheering words and prayers of faith
EW 106
new believers to be faithful in trial
4T 69
worthy poor sick to get sanitarium care
4T 510
worthy poor students to obtain education
6T 212-3
help to: care for the poor sick at sanitarium
4T 551
evangelize large cities
CH 548
make meetings interesting to non-members
6T 86
strengthen and sustain church
5T 303
interest of church above every worldly consideration
5T 460
impart: truth to others
6T 424
what they have received
6T 449
interweave religion of Christ in all they do and say
CT 322
invite to their homes: persons in need of entertainment and kindly attention
6T 347
join with ministers in soul-saving work
4T 285-6