EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Church member, Church members
reach souls around them by personal labor
9T 41
read Bible carefully and prayerfully
4T 285
realize their need of sanctification
6T 86
rejoice over return of erring brethren
3T 100
relieve physical necessities of fellow man
9T 127
render: faithful service as minutemen
9T 116
to God His own entrusted capital with interest
7T 296
report experiences in miss. work
6T 436
reveal principles of heaven in social and business dealings
CT 58
rivet their souls to eternal Rock
6T 303
sacrifice to pay off church debt
6T 103-4
say nothing but kind and loving words re
2T 437-8
scatter into all lands with light of truth
MB 42
search Scriptures for themselves
GC 596
see need of co-operating in med. work
6T 299
share in: Christ’s ministry by helping the weak, wretched, and despondent
9T 31