EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
Church member, Church members
support: God’s work on earth
AA 335
managers of institutions
7T 185
sustain: cause of truth
1T 206
minister by their labors
GW 196
the ministry in its work
6T 417
take: active part in advancing God’s cause
6T 427
decided and active part in med. miss. work
6T 301
part in Harvest Ingathering
CS 190
SDA publications into places where third angel’s message has not been proclaimed
9T 33-4
their place as workers in God’s cause
7T 272
truth into unentered towns and cities
ChS 180
take hold of med. miss. work
7T 62
take up their individual work for God
6T 437
teach neighbors to prepare simple and healthful food
7T 112-3
train and discipline mind by study, observation, and reflection
LS 275
train their minds to work for Christ
3T 205
undergo process of discipline in order to be lights in world
4T 485