EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    great and solemn work is before 7T 237
    great responsibility rests on, for souls who have never heard last gospel message 9T 134
    great talents not needed by, to do miss. work LS 274
    great work can be accomplished for God by 8T 245
       in carrying truth to homes of friends and neighbors WM 109
    great work devolves upon 8T 244
       in Southern States of USA 7T 236-7
    greater distinction from world needed among 7T 296
    greatest danger of, self-deception is 1T 214
    greatest help that can be given to, is to teach them to depend on God instead of ministers 7T 19
    gospel workers should invite, to work with them in their efforts CH 548
    hands of, bread of life for famishing world has been entrusted to AA 106
    happiness found by, in helping others AA 12
    harmonious action needed among TM 188
    harmonious working together of, conditions for 5T 479
    harvest of souls will be found wherever, proclaim truth ChS 67
    has: entered into solemn covenant with God GW 200
       voice in choosing church officers 8T 236
    have not done hundredth part of what God requires of them 6T 425
    hearts of, in divided state of feeling became hard and unimpressible 5T 616