EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    increased faith needed by, to work for Christ 7T 14
    indifference and neglect of duty by, re saving of youth CSW 77
    indiscreet meddlers among, evil surmisings of 5T 489
    instruct, how to prepare healthful foods 7T 133
    instruction given in Revelation is needed by 8T 301-2
    intelligent knowledge of med. miss. work is needed by MM 315
    interest of, new plans and methods needed to arouse Ev 105
    is (are): bound by covenant relation with God to deny self of extravagant outlays of means CS 74
       embarked on enterprise of mercy as long as time lasts SD 265
       pledged by sacred vows to be co-workers with Christ DA 822
       pledged to live out truth they profess 4T 464
       soldiers for Christ MH 148
    is (are) called to: do genuine miss. work CH 546;LS 272-5;MM 242;9T 125;
       God’s service as colporteur evangelists CM 20
    is duty bound to: be interested worker for Christ 5T 303
       say something for Christ 5T 303
    is (are) under sacred obligation to: consecrate tithe to God 5T 481
       guard strictly interests of God’s cause 5T 278
       sacrifice of their means to advance God’s cause 1T 220-1
    knowledge of practical godliness is needed by 6T 263