EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    piety of, glory of church is in ChS 19
    possessing means should sustain ministers in self-denying efforts to save souls 9T 131-2
    post of duty is assigned to each 7T 296
    prayer bands of, should pray for evangelistic efforts Ev 111-2
    prayer for souls will call minds of, from their petty difficulties MM 245
    preparation needed by, for final crisis 6T 404-10
    proper instruction needed by, to do his work as member of body Ev 381
    provision made by God for each 2T 644
    questions that each, should ask himself WM 166
    ranks of, gospel workers needed from 7T 25-8
    reformation among, called for 8T 249-51
       will banish spirit of discord and strife 8T 251
    relationship that should exist among, illustration of AA 317
    responsibility of, for state of church 5T 278
       to advance God’s cause is no less than that of minister 4T 469
    responsibility of each TM 292
       re education of SDA youth CT 46-7, 166
       to God’s work GW 200
    responsibility of parents as, to save their children 7T 10-11 See also Child;Home;Parent;
    responsibility placed by God upon, to save sinners 8T 18