EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Church member, Church members   [1260]
    responsibilities must be laid on 5T 723
    responsible for: prosperity of church SD 253
       talents entrusted them 3T 53
    revival that would result if all, came up to help of Lord 2T 165-6
    sacred vows taken by DA 822
    sale of Christ’s Object Lessons promoted by, to aid schools sale of Christ’s Object Lessons promoted by, to aid schools 6T 468
    Satan puts in, spirit to rebel 1T 548
    Satan seeks to ensnare, by false theories in attractive garb 8T 294
    scarcely know what faith is TM 187
    school for, camp meetings should be 6T 49;9T 82;
    seeing ministers bring souls to Christ will stir hearts of, to aid in gospel work 3T 49
    self-exaltation and self-sufficiency among, too much 4T 340
    selfishness and cupidity in 5T 202
    self-sufficiency among 2SM 69
    self-training needed by 4T 612
    settlement of difficulties between Christ’s counsel re AA 304-5
    sin of permitting, to dress in manner inconsistent with faith 4T 647-8
    solemn responsibility of all, to lift in every branch of God’s work 7T 296-7
    solemn vow made by, to work for interest of church 5T 460
    something deeper than formal religion is needed by CT 540